Posted March 14, 2013
Pheace: I'd prefer if GOG focused on getting games you can't get elsewhere since that's why I came here to begin with.
I personally wouldn't necessarily go that far, as I still view GOG as a place for all Good (or focusing on at least Semi-Good, even if MoO3es slip through :P) Old Games, so I don't mind them bringing many pre-2005 titles (sort of my personal threshold for "old"), even popular ones on Steam or other DDs like Deus Ex, etc. However, I also want GOG to keep fighting for what we want most, for the top wishlist items, and most of those are games that one cannot easily get legally from another service like Steam. (Heck, there are like over 10 LucasArts titles in the top 25 alone, not to mention Blade Runner, Homeworld, Black and White, etc.) Plus, there are titles that may be available online but may be kind of "hidden away" like the Apogee games.