scampywiak: this true? Is this really you?
Do you take indies, only ones that are new?
F4LL0UT: Maybe they listened to the community which has been whining "already has been in dozens of bundles" every single fucking time.
This would make me really sad.
Those guys always posting "already has been in dozens of bundles" either were simply stupid or wishing that GOG could add games faster.
You can´t do something against the first group, BUT the second one could be removed IF YOU´D JUST RELEASE every already released game as soon as possible on GOG!
Pheace: To be fair, this is at least the second time we see this mentioned though. There was another developer a short while ago who said the same about his request to be sold on GOG being rejected because his game was 'too old'. Though in fairness, he initially rejected selling it here himself and then later asked GOG to do it and then they refused. That could be a separate case.
I agree with Jamyskis though, a profit analysis on a game per game basis seems like the smartest thing for them.
That or it's now GNIG, Good New Indie Games :)
I´m still a supporter of GOGs goal to become GOGGIG, GoodOldGames&GoodIndieGames.
It would be awesome if both aspects could be shared, but please don´t become GNIG instead... ;)