Wishbone: I haven't seen too many yet, but I like the
XKCD one.
This was my favorite because he's largely correct and that's what he really did. He literally let anyone repost his stuff.
Fever_Discordia: The one I had earlier after downing a bottle of Jim Bean - that was aweshome!
Who were you surprised and disappointed DIDN'T do a black out?
My vote's for Penny Arcade - Boo Gabe, Boo Tycho!
Umm, they supported the video made by Extra Credits and said it was important:
http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/stand-together-the-gaming-community-vs-sopa-and-pipa I guess they could have blacked out, but that blog post is the front "page" of Penny Arcade, not the comic.
wpegg: (it shows topless women on page 3).
wodmarach: Have they cut down on the topless models? the sport used to have them on nearly every page...
Why on earth is that considered a plus????!!!!