Aliasalpha: I usually do the obsessive reload thing too but after they die 10 times in the same encounter due to their own stupidity I say fuck em and move on. Same thing happened with Rex, he wouldn't obey the order to sit still and wait for me and paid for it by being shredded by spore monsters and left tor rot/rust in vault 22.
Stock 'em with better armor, or order to stay, i do this with ED-E all the time, if combat may drag [as in, more than one shot one kill]. I try to clean up before ED-E tries anything dumb.
But i have it easier, i didn't like the default weapon damage, it was a bit ridiculous. So i modded that too. Since then, the only guy dying on my team [ed-e, boone, cass, veronica] is me, due to my F3 mutant tactic [run in front of them, and waste a mag in the head point blank]. i'm still getting used to the NV combat, which is a bit different.
Rex? That's the dog right? Well, Fallout dogs deal neat damage, but always die quickly.
I'm heading to V22 for some time now, there's always something distracting on the way, last time i tried i ended up in Jacobstown.. Perhaps tomorrow..
Since Boone came on board, nobody really dies, but i level up slower, because he gets everyone faster. Just today, i was hoping for some nice exp, by sneak crit'ing some losers, and he just wasted them out of nowhere. I saw one of his shots going throgh two windows and a bush, just to hit some blokes head. Leveling is so hard..
Anyways, quickloads are quick, so why lose a dog, if he can be granted his 11th chance?;P