Lou: I haven't played either yet - You folks are not helping me decide.
Siannah: I love them both. In fact I just started Oblivion again a week ago, playing a lvl 22 char so far without doing any quest / questlocation at all 'till now.
Yes, after your 4th Ayleid ruin, you've probably seen every texture / trap in all Ayleid ruins. But guys.... we're talking about over 350 points of interest in the gameworld (the 60 possible Oblivion gates not included) - you're not going to do that much without copy & paste.
Frankly, if that's a problem for you then you might want to stay away from games like Just Cause 2 as well. Because one military base will be as the other, regardless if one has two sam-sites and snowy cover and the other don't.
Both can get modded to change almost everything the way you like it. You don't like how your stats are calculated on leveling up? A mod changes it. You don't like how your skill xy progresses? Mod it.
If you're the explorer / achiever typ (not the Steam- / XBoxLive-Achievements), you probably can't go wrong with these two games.
Deceiding which to play? Concerning gameplay you don't have to - both are similar to each other and chances are, if you like one you also enjoy the other.
Oblivion has a fantasy world, Fallout 3 a post apocalyptic one. One uses swords and magic, the other guns and.... bigger guns. Fallout 3 comes a bit more polished and fleshed out, while Oblivion is cheaper to get (no surprise considering release dates).
Both have their share of strengths and weaknesses. But if you like the open world concept in games like GTA, Elite, Morrowind or Prototype and enjoy CRPGs, you HAVE to try Oblivion and Fallout 3
Thanks - I do own Oblivion just haven't played it yet. Still waiting for the FO3 Game of the year to drop in price.