Darvond: That's unfair for those of us who either haven't played pokemon, or rather like me, quit it outright.
Lucky for you we have just the system in place to deal with this kind of thing.
*Lays down a big stack of paper* Once you fill out all of these forms. take them to the kobold in room 666 and then he will sign them and you can then take it 616 to finish filing the request. Just watch out for mr green the troll. Who likes eating paper for some reason and also lately we have been having trouble with random portals to hell spawning inbetween room 666 and 616. i have a team of experts looking into the cause of this as we speak!.
Alymay: nope the spiders can't find anything.
Me: .... Good thing i also put someone else on the case.
Witch: *crawling on the ground, dragging his body over to me.* Good.... Day.... boss...
Me: Yes and your report?
Witch: Well, boss it seems a blood mage left behind a blood stone. Then somehow the stone start opening portals on its own.
Me: You fixed things correct?
Witch: yess..... I stop the opening of more portal and closed the ones that were open. now can someone help me. I'm dying here!
Me: you're all ready dead.
Witch: Oh yeah. *stands up perfectly fine*
Me: *face palm* Sometimes i wonder why i keep you around.
Witch: Easy boss i can do magic and swing swords! like this! *opens a portal.*
Me: Wait don't! fucking hell, now i have to close another portal to hell.
Witch: opps sorry about that boss.
Me: .....