Posted July 09, 2013
But whyyy!?
JoeSapphire: .............<Snip>...............
And why not - my top mafias at the moment are:
FluBBucket - hates claiming yet unprovoked 'human' claim. Audacious enough for this kind of stunt? I'ld like to think so.
RobBeasy - not giving anything away about himself (which is a good). Didn't take a stance on softclaiming. A bit of facesitting. (FENCE) ALSO voted Flubbucket and then unvoted him for no particular reason so the idea that these guys are on a mafia team together pleases me.
.............<Snip>.................. My thoughts regarding your reason for voting me....the reason just lacks something. It seems a dubious position to take and gives me the gut feeling of scum.
Your comment regarding Robbeasy voting then unvoting has some merit. However, I view his statements (sometimes) as [I]thinking while typing.[/I] Not bad... just forming thoughts and less calculated.
Your reason for voting me seems less logic based and more of a thing to pick at on day one. More calculated or crafted so to speak.
My eyes are on the lurkers.

And why not - my top mafias at the moment are:
FluBBucket - hates claiming yet unprovoked 'human' claim. Audacious enough for this kind of stunt? I'ld like to think so.
RobBeasy - not giving anything away about himself (which is a good). Didn't take a stance on softclaiming. A bit of facesitting. (FENCE) ALSO voted Flubbucket and then unvoted him for no particular reason so the idea that these guys are on a mafia team together pleases me.
Your comment regarding Robbeasy voting then unvoting has some merit. However, I view his statements (sometimes) as [I]thinking while typing.[/I] Not bad... just forming thoughts and less calculated.
Your reason for voting me seems less logic based and more of a thing to pick at on day one. More calculated or crafted so to speak.
My eyes are on the lurkers.