PoSSeSSeDCoW: Perhaps I'm just an naive due to my lack of experience with Stardock, but it seems like they were sort of screwed by retailers breaking the release date, and while they should have taken an extra week with it, it certainly doesn't help to be forced to release a game early to make sure your DD customers aren't left out in the cold.
Although, that said, I think it's hypocritical to claim that your game has no DRM when it has a patch that's released the first day that fixes many critical bugs (this seems to be a pattern apparent in Stardock's games) that requires the client to update.
Dude, anyone who can possibly get away with the "no DRM" line will use it. For crying out loud, Ubi used it :P
But yeah, Stardock got boned. Like I keep trying to say: Stardock didn't really do anything wrong, from a development standpoint. But poor PR and moderating of the forums led to the "catchphrase" if "Stardock sold us a beta!", and most of the online news sites (that apparently didn't get review copies, even though there WERE review copies for at least a week,. at least for some outlets) could only report on that. Which takes the bad PR and makes it snowball.
Do I really trust what Wardell says? Nope. But I really never did. I sort of started taking him with a grain of salt ever since GalCiv2 was "DRM-free" (fun story: There are STILL people who are arguing that it isn't really DRM :p). But I have found that I agree with him on a lot of game development points, and I like his games. So Elemental is still shiny for me.
Also: They didn't do Demigod. They were the publishers for that. So don't hold that one against them.
Also: One other thing to keep in mind.
Future support for Elemental, at its most basic, would be new content and campaigns: All of which is pretty straightforward (I THINK a few people have already started working on basic campaigns). So that is a big plus to the likelihood of seeing it.