QC: Actually I've heard about them planning on something like thiws for a while now. I don't care for MMO games so I'll stay to single player and local multi.
Elmofongo: Well IMO better for elder scrolls to have an all multiplayer game than a singleplayer game with a tacked-on multiplayer componant also I would like to see Elsweyr: the homeland of the Khajit, and also to revisit Vvanrdenfell island and Solthesim island both from Morrowind
QC: Arena I believe actually goes to Elsweyr, you if you want to see it through that.
yeah but from what I have seen all of the nations you can go in arena are just copypasted so there is not much of a difference in aesthtics in arena I doubt arena's Cyrodiil looks like Oblivion's Cyrodiil
PoSSeSSeDCoW: For better or worse, it's by a different studio. It's also based on the same engine that SWTOR is based on (Heroengine, I think).
I'm not expecting much.
What is wrong with SWTOR's engine (note: I have not played SWTOR)