Wishbone: Damn, I was too late. I was just about to bring up the Spore Creature Creator. See, charging customers for demos is not a new idea EA's suddenly had. They already did it long ago.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: A version with less features was available on their site for free and buying the CC gave you a discount on the full game.
IF you bought it from the EA store, and then bought the full game from the EA store as well, yes. However, since EA are so goddamned incompetent, the EA store was the
last DD channel to actually start
selling the CC, so lots of people (like me) cancelled their orders and bought it from D2D instead.
I then bought the Galactic Edition retail when it came out, so no discount for me. The insult was compounded when it turned out that EA had forgotten to register the Galactic Edition serials with the DRM server.
Sorry, you just really hit a sore spot (or is that Spore spot?). Just don't try to pretend that EA's handling of anything connected to Spore was anything other than horrendous.