lowyhong: I think it's pretty unique :P
But yeah there has to be more than this game than just throwing robots en masse in the enemy's general direction. I hope Chris makes better use of the game's unique features, like its first person perspective and landscape geometry, to distinguish it from the competition.
Wow, huge response here - thanks so much everyone! Let's see - where to get started, haha, I suppose last time I was here - railgun? Abso-freaking-lutely. Those were great on mech assault, not a huge trail, but fast and hard hitting. Done.
Lowyhong - I have no idea how pledges en masse come in, but I did just launch, and didn't start with a huge fan base - plus I do have a couple things left in the air (which I hope to be answers with a big update in a couple days on the KS page!).
As far as the first person aspect, the smaller robots should feel pretty fast paced, no heavy movement lag, you're in the hotseat, running, strafing, tons of action - it's no floating camera, you are locked into the robot and response time is immediate. I plan on having a humanoid selection of robots (commanders), these robots can pick up tools/weapons dropped by the other robots. So you defeat an enemy that has a flamethrower - go ahead, pick it up and use it. Railgun? Switch. That's what humanoid robots are designed for. They'll also have the ability to modify the terrain, but I imagine people will focus on fighting with them :) Then I'll have some bigger heavier robots - they'll definitely have a more mech feeling to them; soaking bullets, turning a bit lagged, but designed for taking out all the small fodder. Basically I want the first person to give an advantage to the player while they are in combat - as good as I design the AI, humans will likely be better - strafing, planning out their shots/terrain - it should be a ton of fun! I'll check out Battlezone and report back with my thoughts!
Starmaker - thanks a ton! You are awesome and I won't let you down! I was actually invited to take my robots to Korea for a competition this month but had to turn it down so I could get the Kickstarter launched and work on Dysis (but no worries, they have them every 6 months or so).
SirPrimalform - thanks so much! Fans are important (and totally the reason this is all possible!). While I am stoked about the game idea (of course), I'm trying to make a game that others will love too! I'll definitely be looking into Desura for the beta, it seems like a really good place to release Beta updates to.
Amok - thanks for the compliments! I actually know exactly how you feel - I'm a huge fan of co-op, and sometimes competitive multiplayer is just a bit too anxiety ridden for me. I definitely plan on having a team system, so you could run a multiplayer skirmish map where you and a friend team up against a couple AI teams (or just on one) - it's not co-op in the campaign sense, but you would get to play with your friends instead of against! Hopefully something like that would appeal to ya :)
Fenixp - haha, oh yes... Planetary Annihilation - not much I can do to compete with the scale of that, so I am working on different angles - the destructible terrain and first person modes will hopefully be a big draw - and I'll be showing them off a lot more over the course of the KS!
As far as timing, there really isn't an ideal time? I'm working hard, and eventually just had to get my idea out there! I'll keep pushing on unique factors so that people recognize the game :D (as you said lowjhong).
Thanks again for all the feedback, your response is extremely encouraging!
All the best,
ne_zavarj: Just a little notice : Where is the destruction of the terrain when something is blows up ?
Oop, didn't see your question until I had posted. The destruction of the blocks turns into the same sort of falling blocks that the mining drills produce. I'll be sure to highlight the destructible terrain features in my next video - Thanks!