Posted April 09, 2012
never played #1, but #2 was ok from a game mechanics point of view but kinda dog shitty when it came to bugs ... but it was one of the last dedicated PC games published by M$ so no real surprise that it had poor QA.
I tried to re-play it back when DS3 came out (had to use a pirated CD key despite having the original install disks, I lost the manual with the CD key printed in it) but the game was hardly functional on modern equipment, offered no native widescreen support, and the community made widescreen patch nuked the game into a unplayable state.
I'd probably buy it if it got some of that "lookie, it works now!" GOG magic rubbed on it ... I mean shit, so long as GOG could get it to run it still wouldn't be half as bad as Two Worlds.
I tried to re-play it back when DS3 came out (had to use a pirated CD key despite having the original install disks, I lost the manual with the CD key printed in it) but the game was hardly functional on modern equipment, offered no native widescreen support, and the community made widescreen patch nuked the game into a unplayable state.
I'd probably buy it if it got some of that "lookie, it works now!" GOG magic rubbed on it ... I mean shit, so long as GOG could get it to run it still wouldn't be half as bad as Two Worlds.