The point isn't that the game is making an "offensive" joke, it's that the game is completely tone deaf about it. Saints Row 2 has more "offensive" shit in any given half hour of gameplay than this has in its entire playtime, but its jokes actually have punchlines and are consistent with the atmosphere. Duke Nukem Forever's jokes barely have punchlines, so when they're base they just feel stupid, and when they're "offensive" they just feel mean-spirited.
It's the difference between Louis CK's gay jokes and Tracy Morgan's gay jokes, they're both trying to be edgy but one is clear about where he's coming from and the other just kind of sounds like an asshole.
Also, Daniel Tosh is a douchebag.
KOCollins: *From a Tuna's eye:
I haven't played DNF, and probably won't for at least about a year when I can get it on the cheap somewhere. I don't know whats all in it from a moral standpoint, but, there is always someone railing against computer games and blaming it for all the 'problem' children and young adults. I say to these people turn on the movies of today and tell me which is worse games or movies? Pretty sure its movies by a landslide, in fact positive. People who commit crimes do not do it because a game had criminal acts in it.
There are now close to 7 billion people in this world. We are like a vast herd of tuna, some of which have bad attitudes and like to bite the fins off of others because they are there and it makes them feel better.
People who blame computer games for 'ruining' our children, should realize that a person's behavior begins with the parents. Starting from genetics to upbringing, and some parents are quite lousy. Further not all of us were born blessed with wealth, status, physical perfection, honest friends, or overly high IQ's. Games are not the cause of crime, in fact, games help stop crimes because they are so fun and addicting and gamers don't have time to go out and do wrong.
So everyone lets here it for games, including DNF for saving our society from crumbling into anarchy and vice! Here here!
Tuna 5.7 Billion out =)
(that's just my 2 cents to all the people who want computer games outlawed, nobody here I'm sure;))
Nobody is coming at this from a "think of the children" perspective. Calling George Broussard an asshole who (at best) can't tell a joke to save his life and (at worst) has some serious issues with women is not the same as asking the game to be taken off the market or whatever.
Broussard is free to make and release his game, but I'm free to say he seems like a creep.