GameRager: Again, this was never meant to be like DN3D to a big extent.....and also the demo is buggy and old(several have confirmed on duke4/etc that it's the old pax demo just cleaned up a bit)
PoSSeSSeDCoW: If the demo of the game that went gold before the demo released is buggy and old, I have little faith for the full game.
I went back and played the first level of DN3D again just now. How anyone can think DNF compares to DN3D at all is beyond me.
Probably because we're not completely addled with nostalgia. The demo was good and it showed the little bits of humor that made the DN3D such a fun game.
Personally, it's the little references and the fact that they actually let you take a piss in a toilet with a turd that makes it a gem.
I'll have to see how the full game is, but with what I've seen it's definitely promising. There's a lot more potential than there ever was with the original series.
Although I <3 that Duke 3D mod for Quake. Creepy as it was with all those Dukes running about.
jlg6184: I played the DNF demo a couple times, and wasn't all that impressed. I understand demos aren't a true representation of the game, and with something like this, the hype is huge, which makes a demo such as this feel lackluster at best. I will likely be willing to give the game a chance, pending reviews.
Personally, the demo was largely what I was hoping for. I don't think that this game is really meant for FPS snobs and people that have been playing all the recent FPS games. The most recent FPS I can recall playing was either Far Cry or Doom3 and I'm too lazy to look up which was more recent. And I didn't play either of those for long.
This is more of a legacy piece meant for people who were playing long enough ago to remember the original series when it was new and for some of us that can actually recall and enjoyed games like the Catacomb Abyss and level editors that were more or less brainless tile drops.
But, the game does as far as the demo goes, allow you to do things which no other game I know of will. Take a piss, draw a dick with two balls on a white board.
I don't like using words like spoiled, so I won't.