GameRager: Also to ALL: Low rating my posts isn't going to force or bully me into posting differently you know, guys.
mystral: Probably not, which imo is part of your problem, in that you don't care enough about what other people think to take into account their reaction before you do what you want to do.
It does have the merit of making you aware how we feel about your necros, however, even if you don't care.
To you, maybe, to anybody else, it isn't. It's a shame that you seem to think that on a public forum, your opinion matters more than anyone else's.
What you call not caring what people think is actually me not getting forced into a mold I don't fit into because others try to force it on me so that their version of hwo the board should be run to make them happy is enforced. What you call polite asking I could also call passive aggressive acting nice on the outside bullshit.
Thing is you can't please everyone, now can you? No matter what one does it will always upset someone. Doing so and causing those few or more to be upset isn't always done as a personal attack against such people nor is it done with disregard to such people, so you can read such things into the acts I or others do but it isn't necessarily true.
I also usually try my best to not step on any toes, yet people always ask for more or find something to get upset over(seemingly for the sake of finding things to complain about, concerning me or anyone else really)....ever hear of giving an inch and being asked for a foot?
To everyone their opinion matters more to them personally than anyone else's in most's called personal bias.
BTW on the flip side it seems you think your opinion on thread necroing matters more than mine. Yet you seem to find no problem with it and find fault with my opinion that it's ok on occasion.