Parasitius: I never played it but a friend said it was just your basic run & gun game with nothing to make it stand out from the crowd.
Future Shock wasn't released until May '96 (according to several websites) while Duke 3D was released in January '96, 4 months earlier.
Wiki is only as good as the people who supply the information, in this case it's totally incorrect.
mdkdc: I guess I stand corrected. Good to know.
I also thought Future Shock was the first game with mouselook. Maybe it was just the first one with it turned on by default ;-) I definitely remember it as a feature from Future Shock, but not from Duke3d... maybe i didn't use it back then.
Looking into it i've just gotten more confused. Lots of places list Future Shock's release as 1995. But some say 1996. Maybe it was a regional variation?
There are also lots of sources that claim FS had the first mouselook. I'm wondering if Duke3D mouselook was patched in later? Or maybe it isn't counted as real mouselook as its only a 2.5D engine and its vertical motion was limited.
Or maybe the shareware vs retail releases are causing the confusion.
Either way, marathon was probably the first mouslook game... and futureshock the first real 3d mouselook game. though i'm wondering if Descent doesn't deserve that... didn't it have mouse controls??