mutishev: Giants like NVIDIA, AMD, Intel wont allow it.
Delixe: The same NVIDIA, AMD and Intel that make the components of Xbox360's, PS3's and Wii's? Trust me if the PC died tomorrow those three companies wouldn't give a shit. They spend no time in championing the PC and all their time getting their names as advertising in games.
I know they care for nothing but their selves. I am saying that not any console user changed any part of his console for the last 5 years, same time every gamer buys from time to time if not twice a year new part.
So if they want to sell their new processor or video card there should be games to make the gamers buy it.
Now I read even more things for DA2 and I am utterly disappointed and I was from those who defended the demo.
No outfitting the companions, skills are dumbed down, one doesn't even have to read the conversation but just check the icon of them. :(
Thank god for early previews although some of them score the game at 94/100 or something.