OneFodderUnit: They don't add the original D3 or expansion to your account. Final Doom and the Master Levels are not added either. I'm not sure if Doom and Doom 2 load up separately but I think they have standard WAD files you can use elsewhere. You used to get the Master Levels when buying Doom 2 separately and you don't now. Final Doom can't be purchased anywhere on Steam either so everyone is being herded to the BFG edition.
I had a strong feeling that was the case. That's fucked up. :(
They could have quelled a lot of the anger by bundling copies of Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil for people who buy BFG. Even if they made it mandatory to buy BFG in order to get the original versions, the original Doom 3 was $20 on Steam, and getting the original games together cost $25, while BFG is $30. People would still buy BFG, if only for the original versions.
We wouldn't have the shitstorm we have now, people could choose what version of Doom 3 they want to play, the suits wouldn't have to worry about cannibalizing BFG sales, we'd all be pretty happy. It shouldn't surprise me that they'd make such a stupid mistake, but bundling the originals with BFG seems like a no-brainer. What do they have to lose? People who buy BFG neglecting it and playing the originals? Less interest in modding BFG? So greedy and idiotic. Man, id has really turned to shit.
Fuzzyfireball: You get the XBLA censored versions of Ultimate DOOM, DOOM 2 and for the first time on PC No Rest for the Living, which is called NERVE.wad. Launched in the game.
Wolfenstein levels are modified, no swastikas, no images of Hitler, the SS from Wolf 3D are replaced with Zombiemen, and the music for both levels is changed. They also changed the names of the levels to "IDKFA" and "Keen".
I knew all of that. One of the reasons I wanted BFG was for No Rest for the Living. I imagine somebody ported those levels to PC already anyway, but I'd never gotten around to looking. I mostly wanted BFG to check out the changes and play the Lost Mission. Unfortunately, the footage of saw of Lost Mission wasn't particularly impressive, and this whole removal of games from their catalog isn't something to reward them for either.
What I was wondering is whether they give you any of the classic Doom games on your account. I'm going to assume that's a no at this point.
They're looking for options? I know, how about bundle uncensored Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Master Levels, Final Doom, Doom 3, and Resurrection of Evil with BFG for $30. That's roughly how much I paid for the Super Pack, which came with a hell of a lot more.