Aningan: It's a bit sad if that is really the case in the US. Here they showed on the news quite few months ago that a cop was chasing a couple of burglars, shot 2 warning rounds in the air, the shot one of the burglars in the leg. That's more or less reasonable.
You shoot to kill or you never threaten to shoot at all. The ways in which that cop fucked up, no matter how well the outcome in that instance, means he should have been fired immediately after. Shot two warning rounds in the air? Aiming for the leg? Jesus, this isn't television. Physics actually apply here.
Aningan: Even without any training 4-5 cops against 1 criminal, unless that 1 guy is some sort of martial artist master, they should take him down without a problem.
You'd be amazed how difficult it can be to restrain an unwilling person. What they should be able to do is take him down, knowing that it'll be a problem and still doing it instead of resorting to force that should only be used as a last resort because it's easier.
I'm all for making a cop's job safer, but some things are just always going to be a bitch to do.
wpegg: Cops aren't evil, no-one has said they are...
Not here. But glance through the comments on any report in which an officer used force on someone, or even other forums reporting the same, and you'll find it in spades. Especially car forums.