Hate all that shit. The whole social media circus has always been highly annoying to me with people posting about all their inane daily activities nobody could and (especially) should care about, but once it exploded onto mobiles it just rose to an even more ridiculous level.
Yet I always get a good chuckle out of this video. *le sigh* Dumb people.
I have no use for a smart phone, and unless I'd ever need one for a job, which is highly unlikely at this point, I don't expect of ever buying one. No crappy games or always texting/facebooking for me, thank you very much. That said, I can see how some other functions might be useful to some like quickly looking up directions, checking opening hours to a specific store you may want to check on, etc.. i.e. actual useful stuff.
On the other hand, a lot of people do seem to have become way too reliant on all this tech wherever they go. I just do my research before I head out of the house, which usually doesn't take more than a few minutes, so I still don't see an absolute need for all that.
In any case, while I have a crappy ole six-year-old Nokia phone, which I've managed to drop on accident a number of times, it still works like a champ and it does all I need it to do: making/receiving calls and voice mail. Hell, most of the time I don't even have it on me when I'm not at home. I don't want to be constantly bothered by others about non-trivial things. I just check my messages when I get back home. Sure, at that point one might ask why I don't just have a landline. Well, it'd be tricky in my current living situation, and it's easier for me to keep my private line that way especially with me moving so often (not exactly my preference). That and it does come in handy on occasion when I do take it with me on the go.