Lone3wolf: These new ones aren't a patch on the stories of the proper Doctors -_-
Navagon: LOL Let's not kid ourselves here. The reason the show was canned was because it was crap. That was the reason given by the then director of the BBC. While the show had potential; as it stood, he wasn't far wrong.
As for 'Yankified' I take it you mean they have an actual budget, better script, better special effects and vastly superior acting now?
It went crap because of who they had playing the last 3 doctors - Colin Baker....half-arsed, but vastly superior to Sylvester McCoy and the quarter-arsed attempt at the millennium episodes, Paul McGann, (which was the start of Americanised writing/scripts/effects/lack of intelligence).
The show went downhill rapidly after Davison. And IF you were actually old enough to have been watching those as original airings, not repeats or DVD some years later, you'd not have a leg to stand on arguing against it. Sure, the critters were rubber suits and such, but the stories were a hell of a lot better. (And I can JUST remember catching the start of the 2nd or 3rd Tom Baker stories.... 1979/1980-ish anyway....) .
Budget : Maybe...
Better script : Ummm...no, not really. Unless you're 6 years-old with an IQ less than 80.
Better SFX : Maybe...but then technology HAS moved on since 1980s and they definitely should be better than squibs with a lens flare for explosions....But do they compare with the story, or just added to excite those little kids with low IQs? "ohhhh, Shiney!"
Vastly SUPERIOR acting : ?? lolwhut? ummm no, not really. I'll take Ainley (I'd say Delgado, but I only ever saw him in repeats), over Simm any day of the week, and thrice on Sunday. Baker and Davison, and MAYBE Pertwee over anything since 1994...
Companions....hard one that : Adric would have to be candidate for favourite. Nyssa and Teegan had quite good roles back with Tom Baker.
Periwinkle and Ace just plain sucked. And not in a good way.
Rose....had her moments, but generally just made me want to ram something large in her throat to shut her up.
Martha is probably my favourite of the recent companions, but apart from that episode where she travels the world, "We all love you, Doctor!!! Come back to normal!!", she was under-utilised....
Donna....another one in the "ram something long and wide down her throat to shut her up" brigade. Kept waiting for her to say "Am I Bovverd? Do I look bovverd?" a lot...annoying at best.
Yankified : All glitz, no substance. Sums up these recent series of the show adequately. Another symptom of the general "dumbing down" of TV in the last 10 years or so. Too many "reality" shows - If you wanna sit on your arse all day, and watch idiots on your TV sat on their arse all day, you need a far better life. Get outside and see the world!
And for those that said earlier, that the Timelords weren't evil : I rest my case -_-
Dalton did all right, but I still want to know where they resurrected him from :P