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Fenixp: I'm actually interested: What is that dramatic change? That you got points for doing crap? I mean it's an interesting concept by itself, but I wouldn't exactly call it 'changing concept of shooters,' it's more on the level of adding an interesting feature. A feature that, at least in my case, quite simply couldn't hold the entire gameplay for me.
I found it very different, as it altered my playstyle significantly. Killing the enemy or finishing the level was no longer the main goal. It was doing it in a bonkers way. Also, a lot of "exploration" (or better explodation) was in the game to find all the different objects and ways to kill the enemy.
grinninglich: Oh yeah? Really? Then tell us and we learn too. Come on.
I'm not going to install GFWL on my shitty laptop in the middle of bumfuck Europe on a 30k/sec internet connection to satisfy your lack of knowledge on the subject. I believe it is "make new profile" and then you choose offline. It defaults to "Player 1" I believe.

I do this with all my GFWL games, because yes the online stuff sucks.
Bulletstorm was loads of fun. It had some bland (if awesome-looking) setpieces and was incredibly linear and scripted, but the core combat and the visuals were fantastic.

GFWL is a bit annoying, though.
grinninglich: Oh yeah? Really? Then tell us and we learn too. Come on.
I don't know what there is to tell you. Open the game. Sign into a local profile. It works perfectly, I literally did it just ten seconds ago.

The one hang-up is that it can be hard to make an offline profile if you don't know where to look. When you click create a new profile, the screen that comes up has a tiny hyperlink near the bottom that says "create a local profile". There, consider yourself learned.
Bought for Xbox and besides community loved (online community is utterly moronic)
I can see how GFWL can piss people off though
I've had Bulletstorm since release on the PC and played it with both an online and offline GFWL profile without issue. That's not to say that other people won't have issues; but that is to say it's not a widespread Bulletstorm specific issue.

Further I'll say it was one of the few recent FPSes that was highly enjoyable. Well worth getting it during a sale.
It's not the best game ever made, but GWFL didn't bother me one bit.
Bulletstorm was a fucking awesome game, but I just couldn't get the offline profile thing to work. And it was a pain in the ass trying to get the online profile to go the fuck away. But if you can get it working fine, you should play it, that game was loads of fun. Even if I couldn't figure out how to get the sniper rifle working.
Fenixp: It got called true successor to Duke Nukem 3D, but god damnit, when will people finally realize that fairly open level design was a huge part of it!
It's like the old "Painkiller is the real Doom 3" thing. No it wasn't. It may have had the arcadey combat, secrets, and enemy count, but where were the open level designs and environmental puzzles? And since when was Doom all about locking the doors and spamming you with mobs of enemies? In fact, I'm going to cover myself in bacon and jump into the shark tank, and say that Doom 3 was just as faithful to Doom as Painkiller (although yes, the combat was nowhere near the same).
doccarnby: Even if I couldn't figure out how to get the sniper rifle working.
What do you mean? Just point, shoot, and steer.
Post edited October 02, 2012 by jefequeso
Foxhack: Bulletstorm GFWL keys are now accepted in the client. I activated the copy I bought in January last night. :D
I can confirm that for Europe and Germany.

Attention Germans:

You kan aktivate tu wersions of Bulletsturm. Zee zenzored one (only Deutsche und Amerikanersprache, USK sticker) ant zee unzenzored one (alle Europasprachen, rated M). Don't zelekt zee wrong one!
jefequeso: In fact, I'm going to cover myself in bacon and jump into the shark tank, and say that Doom 3 was just as faithful to Doom as Painkiller
low rated
grinninglich: Oh yeah? Really? Then tell us and we learn too. Come on.
StingingVelvet: I'm not going to install GFWL on my shitty laptop in the middle of bumfuck Europe on a 30k/sec internet connection to satisfy your lack of knowledge on the subject. I believe it is "make new profile" and then you choose offline. It defaults to "Player 1" I believe.

I do this with all my GFWL games, because yes the online stuff sucks.
As i guessed...

Your head is very thick i see. When will you understand. Creating offline profile is not the problem here. THE GAME DOESN'T ALLOW YOU TO PLAY WITH AN OFFLINE PROFILE.When you try log-in with your Offline profile the game doesn't allow you to go to the menu. Instead it prompts a new message:

"You have signed with an offline profile. To play the game you need a LIVE account...."

If you refuse you return to the start. If you accept a new window to create a LIVE account.

You can not play this game with an offline account.

If you still didn't understand i will show you with a video. Still don't understand you have to make an IQ test.
jefequeso: In fact, I'm going to cover myself in bacon and jump into the shark tank, and say that Doom 3 was just as faithful to Doom as Painkiller
Fuzzyfireball: Truth.
I do think it suffered from some design issues, though. Not a perfect FPS by any stretch. But I did love the art design (however repetitive it was) and the feel of the weapons. And yes, even the flashlight mechanic.
StingingVelvet: I'm not going to install GFWL on my shitty laptop in the middle of bumfuck Europe on a 30k/sec internet connection to satisfy your lack of knowledge on the subject. I believe it is "make new profile" and then you choose offline. It defaults to "Player 1" I believe.

I do this with all my GFWL games, because yes the online stuff sucks.
grinninglich: As i guessed...

Your head is very thick i see. When will you understand. Creating offline profile is not the problem here. THE GAME DOESN'T ALLOW YOU TO PLAY WITH AN OFFLINE PROFILE.When you try log-in with your Offline profile the game doesn't allow you to go to the menu. Instead it prompts a new message:

"You have signed with an offline profile. To play the game you need a LIVE account...."

If you refuse you return to the start. If you accept a new window to create a LIVE account.

You can not play this game with an offline account.

If you still didn't understand i will show you with a video. Still don't understand you have to make an IQ test.
You could be a little nicer, you know.
Post edited October 02, 2012 by jefequeso
jefequeso: although yes, the combat was nowhere near the same
It wasn't the same per se, but it was still excellent. Weapons in Doom 3 were very balanced, felt great, and required quite a bit of skill to be used properly. Simply put, Doom 3 was a fantastic game on FPS front, it just was horror themed and slower-paced, thus the hate I guess. Still, I think that out of it's time FPS trinity Doom 3 - Half-Life 2 - Far Cry, it's had by far the best gunplay.
doccarnby: Even if I couldn't figure out how to get the sniper rifle working.
jefequeso: What do you mean? Just point, shoot, and steer.
On distant enemies you had to do something but I could never figure it out. The segment where Ishi is fixing the bridge was the moment I was having trouble. If they weren't too far away though, it wasn't a problem.