grinninglich: Oh yeah? Really? Then tell us and we learn too. Come on.
StingingVelvet: I'm not going to install GFWL on my shitty laptop in the middle of bumfuck Europe on a 30k/sec internet connection to satisfy your lack of knowledge on the subject. I believe it is "make new profile" and then you choose offline. It defaults to "Player 1" I believe.
I do this with all my GFWL games, because yes the online stuff sucks.
As i guessed...
Your head is very thick i see. When will you understand. Creating offline profile is not the problem here. THE GAME DOESN'T ALLOW YOU TO PLAY WITH AN OFFLINE PROFILE.When you try log-in with your Offline profile the game doesn't allow you to go to the menu. Instead it prompts a new message:
"You have signed with an offline profile. To play the game you need a LIVE account...."
If you refuse you return to the start. If you accept a new window to create a LIVE account.
You can not play this game with an offline account.
If you still didn't understand i will show you with a video. Still don't understand you have to make an IQ test.