Adzeth: The game looked pretty entertaining in the trailers, but the voice clips were so annoying that it was enough to get on my no-buy list. Do people want those kinds of lines these days, or are the writers just silly?
SimonG: It is intentionally that way. You have to like it, but if you can live with it the absurdity and sheer ridiculousness is beyond awesome.
The game is a parody in regards to the story. And a ballbreakingly cockfisted assfuck one!
I'm not sure if Adzeth meant those clips, but I found the commercials with some of the producers talking about the general awesomeness of their game (and being "crazy", which was just dreadful) to be incredibly bad and not funny at all. They made me really
not want this game. Maybe I'll try it out when Steam has a sale for 2.50 or something...
edit: OK, Adzeth probably meant the lines the characters say ingame.