Roberttitus: For all the shit PC exclusive gamers talk about console gamers, at least we don't have to deal with shit like this. You buy a game... it fucking works until the system dies or the game gets destroyed.
Unfortunately sometimes that (system dies) can happen quite fast. My first Playstation got broken quite fast even though I handled it with care. Suddenly its CD-ROM drive just ceased to work. And my big brother was just asking the other day whether Wii-U is fully backwards compatible with their earlier Wii which got broken, leaving them with a bunch of unplayable Wii games.
I took care of my Playstation problem by buying a PS2 which thankfully was backwards compatible. Unfortunately that seems to be the end of the line now, as I just read the other day that the manufacturing of PS2 has ceased for good now, ie. you apparently can buy them used from now on. And PS3 can't run my PS One (nor PS2?) games.
Interestingly, it seems it might be the PC which is the savior again, as it apparently has fully working PS One emulators, and maybe even PS2 emulators.
And yeah, I consider digital DRM-free games much more future-proof solution than physical games, even if my physical games (both on consoles and PC) seem to have easily outlived the systems they were originally bought for. E.g. all my original Playstation games seem to be still working.