<cracks fingers>
<deep breath>
So, what do I think about Thief? Atmosphere. Skill. Patience. The smile you get when you finish the impossible with only the help of the shadows. And a few strategically placed water arrows, of course. If you want to play Thief, you need to get into the mood. You're Garrett. You're a thief. But not just any - you're THE thief. You clear up places most thieves wouldn't even come near, and a few master thieves would cringe at. And you have a landlord. The one kind you hate and fear more than the sheriff. But hey... not many places would allow you to build a secret compartment. And on a lean month, he wont hesitate to take the odd silver candlestick as rent money. You see, your fence has a nasty habit of being taken off to prison by whatever faction is currently in power. Apart from that, powers that be are in the habit of seeing you as their chief enemy. I mean seriously, it's not corruption and inefficiency to blame, it's those nasty thieves!
I love the series. it's one thing to play a game, but another to play it so hard that it transcends into reality and you sometimes find yourself "playing" it in the real life. Dark hallway? Don't turn on the lights, it's just fine... that way.