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doccarnby: I love the number of people in the comments on that article saying that Gamestop is in the right.
Smannesman: Seriously?
I didn't read all the comments.. actually I read the article on RPS I think, but still.
One guy said it pretty succinctly, he said something like "They have the right to decide what products to sell, but they don't have the right to remove items from the packaging.".
That I can agree with.
Well, when I went back the most recent comments were saying those people were stupid, so there's some sanity there at least. I totally agree with the guy you're quoting.
I can't believe the thread starter was surprised this was a good game lol the first two got stellar ratings and are both modern classics. Those two along with Thief 3 were the only good stuff out of Ion Storm aka John Romero's egotistical shit storm.
grunthos64: I can't believe the thread starter was surprised this was a good game lol the first two got stellar ratings and are both modern classics. Those two along with Thief 3 were the only good stuff out of Ion Storm aka John Romero's egotistical shit storm.
Deus ex 3 was made by differnet developers though, got to remember that.
Y'all are making me envious. The more I hear about this game the more I want it - videos showing awesome gameplay don't help either :/

*sigh* maybe I will be able to get it in 6 months or so, if I can get caught up on bills [I finally got a job after looking for ~3 years, but its part time and my first day is tomorrow :/]. Let's see, minimum wage part time job earnings compared to my debt.... ouch. Maybe in a year at this rate.

Good thing for YouTube and people who love saying how good the game is. Yep, that helps my envy out .... ;-P

Glad folks are enjoying it. Looks like EIDOS has reclaimed some of their glory.
grunthos64: I can't believe the thread starter was surprised this was a good game lol the first two got stellar ratings and are both modern classics. Those two along with Thief 3 were the only good stuff out of Ion Storm aka John Romero's egotistical shit storm.
marcusmaximus: Deus ex 3 was made by differnet developers though, got to remember that.
The EIDOS Montreal team contains some people who worked on the original Deus Ex - EIDOS was also the original developer behind Deus Ex.
Post edited August 24, 2011 by carlosjuero
This is really the first 'real' game from Eidos since the Square Enix buy out *screw the Tomb Raider downloadable game shit*. It had to prove that Square Enix could run the studios well plus support non RPG titles. After this, Hitman 5 and Thief 4 are a synch along with the next Tomb Raider.
grunthos64: I can't believe the thread starter was surprised this was a good game lol the first two got stellar ratings and are both modern classics. Those two along with Thief 3 were the only good stuff out of Ion Storm aka John Romero's egotistical shit storm.
marcusmaximus: Deus ex 3 was made by differnet developers though, got to remember that.
"We're not the same Ion Storm that made Daikatana"
ya they were different divisions but same company. Warren Spektor ran the one that had Deus Ex 1 and 2 as well as Thief 3 *he had worked on the original Thief* and Romero......we KNOW what he had. Now he makes facebook games and Spektor is up there with Sid Meier and Shigeru Miyamoto where every game he makes is heralded loudly.
Speaking of Thief did anyone else notice the same studio is handling Thief 4? My excitement went way up because if Deus Ex 3 is any indication it will live up to the Thief name.
Post edited August 24, 2011 by Whiteblade999
Whiteblade999: Speaking of Thief did anyone else notice the same studio is handling Thief 4? My excitement went way up because if Deus Ex 3 is any indication it will live up to the Thief name.
I don't know if the cover based stealth would work as well for thief as it does for Deus ex though.
who wants to beat Thief 4 is going to be an Assassin's Creed knockoff? I know AC kinda stole from Thief but hey Thief is going to be Altair stealing just watch.
marcusmaximus: I don't know if the cover based stealth would work as well for thief as it does for Deus ex though.
This won't be a problem as long as the same methodology is used for Thief.

Before DX:HR, a forum was brought online so that a close-knit communication layer could be established between the concept team and the fans. The point of this was to hammer out the very essence of Deus Ex, and what a 'modern day' Deus Ex prequel would be like.

As long as they adhere to this, they'll do alright. It certainly shows with DX:HR.
Whiteblade999: Speaking of Thief did anyone else notice the same studio is handling Thief 4? My excitement went way up because if Deus Ex 3 is any indication it will live up to the Thief name.
Yeah, suddenly I am filled with massive Thief 4 anticipation.
Smannesman: Seriously?
I didn't read all the comments.. actually I read the article on RPS I think, but still.
One guy said it pretty succinctly, he said something like "They have the right to decide what products to sell, but they don't have the right to remove items from the packaging.".
That I can agree with.
doccarnby: Well, when I went back the most recent comments were saying those people were stupid, so there's some sanity there at least. I totally agree with the guy you're quoting.
I wonder if gamestop can literally be sued for stealing from its customers.How could it possibly be legal for a store to rip open a box and steal parts of its contents from the customer?
Why would they do that? Are they functioning retards or something? Is the games used? WTF?!
I was playing around and heard a scream, and I realized that it's the same scream you hear in System Shock 2 at the very beginning when one of the crew members is being chased by the many.

I don't know if it's a deliberate reference to SS2 or not, but either way it's kind of cool.