Y'all are making me envious. The more I hear about this game the more I want it - videos showing awesome gameplay don't help either :/
*sigh* maybe I will be able to get it in 6 months or so, if I can get caught up on bills [I finally got a job after looking for ~3 years, but its part time and my first day is tomorrow :/]. Let's see, minimum wage part time job earnings compared to my debt.... ouch. Maybe in a year at this rate.
Good thing for YouTube and people who love saying how good the game is. Yep, that helps my envy out .... ;-P
Glad folks are enjoying it. Looks like EIDOS has reclaimed some of their glory.
grunthos64: I can't believe the thread starter was surprised this was a good game lol the first two got stellar ratings and are both modern classics. Those two along with Thief 3 were the only good stuff out of Ion Storm aka John Romero's egotistical shit storm.
marcusmaximus: Deus ex 3 was made by differnet developers though, got to remember that.
The EIDOS Montreal team contains some people who worked on the original Deus Ex - EIDOS was also the original developer behind Deus Ex.