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Crosmando: Just thought I'd get this out here in case anyone is interested, the "beta" for DaggerXL, the port of The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall to the XL engine, is coming soon:

As many of you probably know, Bethesda released Daggerfall as freeware a while ago, so technically this project is about as legit as it comes without being an official port. There's still a way to go, but the project promises to make Daggerfall playable in high-resolutions with an OpenGL render, similar to GZDoom or eDuke do for Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. Meaning no blurry pixelated resolutions in DOSBox.

You can check out some screenshots here:
Elmofongo: I'm confused, that article was posted in 2011? but I read your OP as if it was 100% complete and released in a few more days or weeks or months.
Ahh sorry, wrong link, here's the recent blog post:
HiPhish: For how long has the XLEngine been "coming soon" already? Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the effort and I understand Lucius has a real life, so I'm not demanding a release right now, but I have trouble getting excited about any news anymore. He just disappears for months, then he comes back promising more frequent updates, posts two blog entries in short time and then disappears for months again.
He's never done anything like this though, saying a real release is right around the corner.
Lucius certainly has outstanding taste in games. Outlaws, Dark Forces, and Blood are all in my top ten list of timeless classics (at least for FPS). Never played Daggerfall but definitely will with this engine. I'm just as excited for this project to release as I was for System Shock 2.
Elmofongo: Hopefully I can finally get into this game after my last experiance, I hope I don't have to use DOSBox and its a just click it to play like GOG games that used DOSBox, Standard WASD+Mouse controls like Morrowind, better map system (I saw what maps look like in the game when your in dungeons and it looks confusing)

I really, really appreciate how enourmous this game, hopefully I can comprehend the story because I heard it so complex it also spans years.
[url=]DaggerfallSetup[/url] is a ready-to-play package like what GOG does. You can already get a standard WASD+mouse experience; set movement to WASD, enable mouselook (go to Controls->Mouse and choose View), and check the Full Screen box (on the main Esc menu) to hide the interface (you can still access everything with keyboard shortcuts). It now looks and plays very much like the later games in the series.

DaggerXL probably can't do much about the map, however; dungeons are generated with very complex layouts, often with multiple floors and tunnels crossing over top of each other, whereas in Bethesda's more recent games the dungeons tend to be almost entirely on one level with very little overlapping; very large dungeons are often broken up by loading screens whereas in Daggerfall everything is totally seamless once you're inside.
Elmofongo: Hopefully I can finally get into this game after my last experiance, I hope I don't have to use DOSBox and its a just click it to play like GOG games that used DOSBox, Standard WASD+Mouse controls like Morrowind, better map system (I saw what maps look like in the game when your in dungeons and it looks confusing)

I really, really appreciate how enourmous this game, hopefully I can comprehend the story because I heard it so complex it also spans years.
Arkose: [url=]DaggerfallSetup[/url] is a ready-to-play package like what GOG does. You can already get a standard WASD+mouse experience; set movement to WASD, enable mouselook (go to Controls->Mouse and choose View), and check the Full Screen box (on the main Esc menu) to hide the interface (you can still access everything with keyboard shortcuts). It now looks and plays very much like the later games in the series.

DaggerXL probably can't do much about the map, however; dungeons are generated with very complex layouts, often with multiple floors and tunnels crossing over top of each other, whereas in Bethesda's more recent games the dungeons tend to be almost entirely on one level with very little overlapping; very large dungeons are often broken up by loading screens whereas in Daggerfall everything is totally seamless once you're inside.
So let me get this straight, I need to get Daggerfall from bethesda, and then install DaggerXL, I thought DaggerXL was the game?
Arkose: [url=]DaggerfallSetup[/url] is a ready-to-play package like what GOG does. You can already get a standard WASD+mouse experience; set movement to WASD, enable mouselook (go to Controls->Mouse and choose View), and check the Full Screen box (on the main Esc menu) to hide the interface (you can still access everything with keyboard shortcuts). It now looks and plays very much like the later games in the series.

DaggerXL probably can't do much about the map, however; dungeons are generated with very complex layouts, often with multiple floors and tunnels crossing over top of each other, whereas in Bethesda's more recent games the dungeons tend to be almost entirely on one level with very little overlapping; very large dungeons are often broken up by loading screens whereas in Daggerfall everything is totally seamless once you're inside.
Elmofongo: So let me get this straight, I need to get Daggerfall from bethesda, and then install DaggerXL, I thought DaggerXL was the game?
DaggerXL is just a source port engine. You'll need the game assets to play Daggerfall, but I believe they are freely available now.
Starkrun: OpenGL has always been the superior tech... The only reason DX made it so big was Microsoft... Imagine games working on XP running dx11, all the features exist in OpenGL
And when OpenGL becomes as easy to develop for as Direct3D, I'm sure more people will even start using it :-P As it stands, effort which goes into adding new features for OpenGL seems to go into polishing Direct3D, which ... Well, even if OpenGL is superior, most big developers will just give it the middle finger as it's cheaper and easier to develop with DirectX package.
daggerxl is not moving from a point :-(((

there is a frozen status "DaggerXL Status – Version 0.199, Pre-Alpha. 98% towards Alpha." for very very long already

and.. so what about 1.0 version? not fantasy but sci-fi
Good to hear this. The game will be far more enjoyable.
Let's hope BloodXL comes next.
This thread has progressed more in the last year than DaggerXL :P
Interesting project, I didn't know about it until now.

And that reminds me, I haven't checked on OpenMW for a while. I should go see how far they've gotten, because being able to play MW on all OS will be awesome. :D
Starkrun: OpenGL has always been the superior tech... The only reason DX made it so big was Microsoft... Imagine games working on XP running dx11, all the features exist in OpenGL
Fenixp: And when OpenGL becomes as easy to develop for as Direct3D, I'm sure more people will even start using it :-P As it stands, effort which goes into adding new features for OpenGL seems to go into polishing Direct3D, which ... Well, even if OpenGL is superior, most big developers will just give it the middle finger as it's cheaper and easier to develop with DirectX package.
Cormoran: This thread has progressed more in the last year than DaggerXL :P
Haha, only barely :D
korell: DaggerXL is just a source port engine. You'll need the game assets to play Daggerfall, but I believe they are freely available now.
It's not a source port, the source-code to Daggerfall was lost, the guy making this obviously doesn't have it. What it is, is basically recreating Daggerfall from scratch (at least the code) while using the old graphical assets.

Pretty much the same as Ultima 7's "Exult" port.