MihaiHornet: I got this answer from Daedalic support:
"Blackguards is scheduled to be released on GOG simultaneously with the worldwide Steam and the box release on 24th January 2014."
Release date was pulled forward to today:
Dearest Blackguards community,
we're very proud to announce that Blackguards' development has come to a conclusion ahead of schedule. Thus we have decided to release the game on Steam without further delay, namingly on January 22th at 5 p.m. CET / 8 a.m. PST - that's right, it's today!
The final version will not only contain the expert character creation, some rebalancing and overall polishing, but of course also the fifth and last chapter of the game, bringing the latter to an epic conclusion.
At the same time as the Steam release - 5 p.m. CET, 8 a.m. PST - we will also hold a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) with the development team, in which you're also able to win one of 40.000 (fortythousand !! - it's not a mistake!) Steam keys for Chains of Satinav. We'll announce a link later today.
A small notice to our Russian community: The Russian language in the game is still being overhauled and the final version will be released on January, 24th via patch. Thanks for your patience!
All of the team want to say THANK YOU for staying with us through all of the Early Access phase, making the game bigger and better for you, the players.
We wish you many hours of fun with the final version of Blackguards,
Your Blackguards Team