falster: unfortunately not had time to try it yet, from what i assume in the email, theres going to definitely be some sort of improvement to the translation/text, as to the parser, im unsure.
purely conjecture at this point, ill give it a whirl later and see whats what.
looking on the positive side, nice to see theyve listened and have pushed an update out quickly though i think.
I'm still unclear as to whether they've released an actual patch or if they just have the content ready to be put into a patch. Nevertheless, given what I've seen, I think what they should have done was pull the game entirely, until all of the problems have been fixed. Consideration for the devs aside, we shouldn't expect anything less than a 100% competent translation (I would excuse the clunky turns of phrase and odd usage of colloquialisms as just being a writing issue).
But the parser issue is IMO much more important. If parser remains unfixed then this game, sadly, will remain broken.