Posted July 10, 2013

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan

4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands

I'm just a man
Registered: Jan 2011
From Australia

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 10, 2013

Would be nice if that was fixed.
I am watching the registration site like a hawk.
edit - and it looks like someone who got the game did... darn ninjas
Post edited July 10, 2013 by amok

I'm just a man
Registered: Jan 2011
From Australia
Posted July 10, 2013
Are you using this: ?
Make sure Desktop notifications is enabled and you leave the tab open. You won't miss the shop nor registrations being open again :D
EDIT: Registration is up!
Make sure Desktop notifications is enabled and you leave the tab open. You won't miss the shop nor registrations being open again :D
EDIT: Registration is up!
Post edited July 10, 2013 by shane-o

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted July 10, 2013

Also, if it uses an account system like Minecraft, I'd be worried about their ability to keep the login servers accessible, given the current problems they have with even keeping the store open.

If Cubeworld is intended to go through the same kind of price development, it'll end at €45-€60. I doubt that's the case (I sure hope not), but I still think €15 for the alpha is setting the bar too high.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 10, 2013

Make sure Desktop notifications is enabled and you leave the tab open. You won't miss the shop nor registrations being open again :D
EDIT: Registration is up!
I may just have managed to register now, thank you :)

I'm just a man
Registered: Jan 2011
From Australia
Posted July 10, 2013

If Cubeworld is intended to go through the same kind of price development, it'll end at €45-€60. I doubt that's the case (I sure hope not), but I still think €15 for the alpha is setting the bar too high.

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted July 10, 2013

I don't think you did. I think you bought it in Beta.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 10, 2013

While Cubeworld seems very open, it is still limited by being a open character driven RPG at heart, with all the limitations it brings. I can not comment on how easy it is to mod yet, but I have seen no such things. It is therefore limited to constraints by the developers, and will at a point reach where it can not be done any more with.
Content wise, the only comparisons between MC and CW is that they are both open world sandboxes, and they both are voxel based, for anything else there is not really much comparisons. It may even be better to compare CW with for example Skyrim or Fallout 3.
(I have finally managed to create an account and got it confirmed, next step is managing to get the game....)
Post edited July 10, 2013 by amok

I'm just a man
Registered: Jan 2011
From Australia

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted July 10, 2013
Sure, no problem, but allow me a further clarification. I realize I may seem very critical of Cubeworld. In fact, I'm not. I think it looks excellent, and I'm looking forward to seeing what becomes of it. I'm definitely getting it at some point. I just think that the pricing is a bit too high for an alpha release, and I can't justify spending €15 on it right now. That's all.

Mortes best mate
Registered: May 2011
From Ireland
Posted July 10, 2013
Worked on my PC but not on the kids laptops, so yeah, make sure to demo it first :)

Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted July 10, 2013
Registration seems to be spottily up.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted July 10, 2013
Still cant buy it