you know, when the trailer said "The Greatest city on Earth" I immediately thought to myself: "wow, Crysis is changing locations? Sweet! So, where is the game going to take place? London? Moscow? Paris?"
Then I laughed when I realized that they meant New York, but I can't Blame EA's marketing team, gotta sell that game to those BillyBob Americans
Also: What already is confirmed that's new apart from the bow? because so far this look just like a slightly modified Crysis 2
rampancy: Thought the RPS article on the setting of Crysis 3 would be worth a mention:
And...apparently you play as Prophet in this game. Huh? Didn't he die at the beginning of Crysis 2?
Didn't you hear? Gunshots to the Head don't kill people
They just leave a little scratch, apparently that's what Crytek thinks
In all seriousness - what the hell? This is like Templar coming back in Killzone 3 saying: "lol, just kidding guys, i wasn't really dead"