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Let me tell you about a world called Solario, a world so many eons away that you might not have even heard of it or even thought about it. But it is there, sitting alone in the otherwise dead galaxy.


It is a big world, slightly bigger than Earth in size. It is a world of magic and technology, where two seperate races of humans live together; one who is proficient in magic, and the other that is not. The magic folks calls themselves the "Elder Kind" because they believe that the humans are a sub-species, a corruption of their race. At least they used to.

As the time wore on, this sub-species excelled in technology. Not as much as us though for they had less incentive as most of the stuff they were confused about could be explained with the simple world -- magic.

Now, they were not the only intelligent species living on this planet. Far from it. Elves, Dwarfes and Merpeople are among the other majority of the species inhabiting this planet. But they were all a corruption of the "Elder Kind" or so the "Elder Kind" claims.

So you might ask, why did the humans race excelled. And the answer is, because of their magic. See, a parallel world exists with theirs, a world said to be filled with pure zee -- or life-force -- which allowed them to do magic.

Legends tell that normal humans -- that is us -- somehow found their way to this planet. At those times, their was no parallel world. Many great animals and beast roamed the surface and their life-force freely flowed out in the open. This sudden influx of power had given the humans special power, with which they could do different sort of magic. Having never seen something like that and curious of the new kind visiting their land, the great beasts allowed the humans to live alongside them.

After eons of living in prosperity, the Great War of Echleon occured. The actual details about the war are beyond the scope of this small letter so excuse me, but I'll just jump to the conclusion. In the end, a truce was reached where it was agreed that the great beasts will be given a new parallel world for their continued existence as the present world had become too corrupted for their use.

But some great beasts were very fond of humans and so they formed another truce with some of the humans. The Truce of Spiritual Bonding. Because of this truce whenever a human is born, his soul is linked to the core of a great beast which allows that human child to use magic.

The present state of the world is fairly peaceful -- at least as peaceful as it can be between countires sharing different ideologies. A major war haven't occured in decades and chances of one occuring are next to none as all the dominant species living in the world are fairly powerful in their own domains.


The town of Mount Highi is located on the levelled top of Mount Highi. Folklores tell that a great battle occured between two great beats in the old times, and as a result, half the mount was turned ito dust, living a very large plain atop a mountain.

And still the Mount Highi rises to a stunning height of 4,450 m. The temperature in the town of Mount Highi is usually cold and it snows six month a year. So the most common clothing of the town is warm clothes the town comes under the Juridicstion of "Elder Kinds" as a lot of gifted individuals live there. A few Techliks (the non-magic humans) lives amongst them too but no Dwarfs or Elves live their as they prefer warmer weather.

As the people of Solario worship no religion, there aren't any temples or cathedral on Mount Highi, and for the matter of fact, there are no major religion in Solario.

People live in brick and mortar houses, and the major attraction of the region are it's huge snow fields where the peole of nearby towns come to play in the middle of winter and the scenic view it offers of the capitol of Zion, the country of the Elder Kinds.

The roads are made of cobblestones and there are no vehicle for transporation, as people usually use magical ways to travel from one point to another.

From a tourist point of view, the town of Mount Highi is a really boring place because in it's one thousand year history, nothing remarkable has happened or made. While the community isn't hostile to neewcomers, not many people have migrated and since the people don't really have a thing to bond over, most of them just engross in their own lives for the most part.

Though the Yearly winter Games hosted by the Town council bring the towns peole together.

There is a School of Primary Studies located in the heart of the city. It is one of the largest buildings in the town and it provides schooling for Techniks and Gifted kind, thought it is often accused of favouring the gifted kind. Their course is mostly low-class magic which most of the time, even a Technik can do as even they can absorb the Zee in the atiomsphere to some extent.


The Draog: They are an alchemical experiment gone wrong, and one of the most often cited reasons why the magical folks and the non-magical folks shouldn't try to infuse their culture with each other.

Draogs (plural: Draoges) were supposed to be a loveable household pet. Everything about them was supposed to be cute and loveable, from their soft wings to their thick furs. To achieve that purpose, one acclaimed magician and one famous scientist got together and tried to cross the flurrio species of Dogs and a subspecies of small Dragons called Dimiscus.

They are both known to be extremely submissive to humans and vegetarian so they were the perfect match to produce the pet of their Dreams.

But somewhere along the whole experiment, something terrible happened. The Flurrio amd Dimiscus when mated with the force of magic and science, created something that none of them had expected for a dark hape had merged from the dead mother's womb.

It was a grey dragon, with a dog like face. And that's where the similarities ended.

It had no fur on it's body and his eyes were red as ruby. They had an hard exoskeleton and a small horn like protursion between his eyes. But above all, he was extremely hostile towards everyone except his own species -- he even killed his

father after one day. He grew in strength exponentially and after about a month, this new Hybrid Dragon broke his cage and flew away with his two other siblings. Yes, the scientiest had repeated the experiments to find out the steps they had done wrong. what they didn't know was, everything they did was wrong.

While Draoges didn't release fire from their mouths, they released something far more terrible. Their breathes had such fowl smell that it could literally kill plants if the dragon breathed directly on it.

Because of this and the usual peaceful nature of the Kingdom of Solario, the existence of Draoges raised wide-spread panic all around and it's creator were sentenced to prison.

As far as the documentation goes, every Draog had been disposed of, but some people still claim to see one from time to time.


The Illuminated Forest of Netheria.

Located on the outskirts of the country of Zion, the forest of Netheria had been a topic of heated debates for decades. The forest lights up every night and it's shine is the brightest on the night of no-moon and it's dimmest on the full-moon. It is said to be the guiding beacon for the followers of Dark Magic.

It is said that the shine of the forest can be seen as far as the Temple of the Guardians.


Thief 2+3
NWN Diamond+Planescape Torment
The general setting
(1)The world is comprised of a single city. The rest of the world is a barren landscape. The only inhabitants of the world are those living in the city. There is no water or food found naturally and it must be obtained by other means.

At least 1 city/settlement in your world
(2)This city survives by trading with other worlds that are accessed through portals. Everything from food to everyday goods are dependent on importing. None of the inhabitants are native to the world but are rather offered the chance to join the community. The inhabitants can take on jobs requested from the other worlds but they are all single tasks rather than continuous employment. Jobs range from defeating bandits, carpentry or accounting. Any type of job really. All work that can be done in the home city is done there with the items passed on by a middle man. Fighters and other jobs that need to go to other worlds to complete the tasks are the only ones allowed to temporarily leave. As the amount of jobs decrease, portals to new worlds are opened until employment increases once more.

The benefit of living in the city is temporary immortality. It does come with the downside that it is impossible to reproduce while having this boon. This is to prevent population increase. By permanently leaving the city, you age once more and can have children. Doing this allows the city to remain at a constant population.

At least one creature
(3) Summoned creatures are present in the city and are available to do menial work. They vary from standard fantasy creatures to more sci-fi ones.The ones that are deemed to lack a certain intelligence are denied basic rights. Ones that show intelligence are given rights and must be cared for and given certain privileges depending on how their intelligence is ranked. It is not seen as slavery but it basically is with the only way of stopping living as a slave being able to request it yourself.

At least 1 major natural landmark
(4) The city has an obelisk like structure made out of a stone like material. It is able to deem your worth in certain jobs and gives you a rank on both your current ability and your potential ability. Although no job is forbidden to people they are forbidden on taking on any tasks that are deemed above their rank. It is impossible for their current rank to surpass their potential rank.

Thanks for the giveaway. I am in for the Elder Scrolls.
Thespian*: Thanks for your generosity, nightrunner!

I'm working on what I expect will be an interesting entry, but I won't be able to post it until Monday...

I use public Internet, so I haven't access on weekends. :(

Hope the contest will be open until then? If that isn't possible, please, disregard this post. ;)
Considering I'm about to go a month without internet unless I visit friends, I understand.
nightrunner227: Considering I'm about to go a month without internet unless I visit friends, I understand.
Oh, my, that's unfortunate. :(

Here is my entry, as promised. Hope you like it. ;)

Please, count me in for Spellforce Platinum + Myst 2: Riven. :)


1) The general setting

The setting is an unimaginably ancient and vast maze, with towering walls of a material with the appearance of polished malachite, but impossible to climb, drill or demolish. Its numerous human inhabitants, who have lived there for countless generations, have lost all knowledge of how or why their ancestors ended there. Some believe they were transported there by the Gods as punishment for their sins, others that the maze was formed on the land where they lived and locked them forever. Both beliefs are considered heresies (and therefore worthy of death by fire) by the official religion, which explains that the world is an infinite maze, from which only those who have lived a life according to the dogma may leave after their death (those who don't, they'll reincarnate in one of the beasts lurking in the Labyrinth).

While the thickness of the maze walls is always invariable, its height and the width of the passages between them change according to its position (relative to the center of the Labyrinth). Thus, the few survivors of the past exploration expeditions to the North or the South reported that the height of the walls had gradually increased from the usual fifteen feet high to over three hundred, while the width of the path in-between had finally fallen to barely six feet, maintaining them in an almost perpetual darkness. Many hazards and monsters lurked on those zones, apart from the pervasive disorientation syndrome experienced by travellers (in fact, the usual punishment for capital crimes -except heresy- is banishment to several hours away to the North or South of a settlement. Once abandoned there, the criminals will wander through the passages of the maze until hunger or insanity claim them or, more likely, until they're butchered by a pack of Krenns or a Hraan'gar devour them alive).

2) At least 1 city/settlement in your world

Most people are usually clustered into the so-called habitable zone of the maze, in small towns and villages, founded on "crossroads" (wide open areas, linked to other ones by paths more easy to navigate than the rest). These areas vary enormously in size, from just enough for a few huts, corrals and farmland, to many square miles in extent, containing hills, forests and streams. The major city of the Labyrinth, which is also the capital of the habitable zone and headquarters to the Brotherhood, is Myrr'hedd. Founded in the greatest crossroad ever encountered, the ninety feet high maze walls which surrounds the terrain and the only two inlet passages leading to it (heavily fortified with stone extracted from quarries in the mining town of Zaarmir, further North) make it an impregnable fortress.

Although the portentous nature of Myrr'hedd (most of its buildings have been built with stone, some of them, like the Cathedral or the Brotherhood's palace, even exceeding the height of the exterior walls) and luxurious living (for Dark Ages standards, at least) make it a coveted dream for many, it's often an unattainable dream. Most people live their entire lives in the place where they were born, suffering a miserable existence as slave-workers of the ruling class (if they work cultivating land or raising livestock) or ruled with iron fist for a few hereditary, ruthless dynasties, if they reside in a city (as craftsmen or merchants).

Travel between cities are rare, except for the regular merchant caravans, tax collectors and official emissaries (always traveling in heavily armed bands), and only the bravest (or craziest) would dare to venture into the disorienting, threatening depths of the Labyrinth without a Guide of the Brotherhood. This organization jealously guards coded maps with safe routes between settlements and its influence and wealth exceeds any other existing power. Originally founded many hundreds of years ago to explore and gather all possible knowledge about the maze (with the ultimate goal of finding a way out), the Brotherhood eventually degenerated into a religious sect committed to maintaining the status quo, relentlessly pursuing and killing anyone considered a threat to their interests and doctrines. As most scientific advances, in one form or another, could pose a threat to the Brotherhood's teachings, the technological level has stagnated at a level comparable to the Dark Ages.

3) At least one creature

There are many dangerous creatures that reside in the endless paths of the maze. They tend to avoid heavily armed groups of people in the habitable zone, though they're increasingly aggresive when traveling North or South of it. However, occasionally some small village is destroyed, or the corpses of an expedition are found days later.

A particularly dreaded creature is the Car'vei. This monster has the height of a human, but all similarities end here. Its body resembles a whitish, translucent, levitating ovoid, its front vertically divided by a large toothed mouth, around which arises a myriad of jellyfish-like tentacles. The creature seems to oscillate between various planes of existence, so it can materialize without warning in the middle of a city, and if striked, most of the hits will go through it without effect. But when its tentacles reach the flesh of its prey, the flesh "phase-change" and it's desmembered, great chunks of it carried to the mouth for immediate consumption. Fortunately, Car'vei don't seem able to chase its prey if it's hidden inside a building, so people have learned to take refuge indoors as soon as they see one of them. In major settlements, a Car'vei attack is announced by the ringing of a warning bell, and major routes have shelters set up at regular intervals.

Although usually they hunt alone, 25 years ago over a hundred Car'vei appeared on the streets of Uilmer (at that time the most important livestock market of the Labyrinth). Half of its population and most of the cattle was consumed by the creatures before they mercifully disappeared at last, and the consequences, due to the subsequent famine, were devastating for the whole area .

4) At least 1 major natural landmark

The major landmark in the maze is the Heart of the Labyrinth (or simply the Heart), a mountain about nine thousand feets high that stands visible from all the inhabited parts of the maze. The common belief is that it's located in and mark the exact center of it (in fact, the cardinal points are derived from its position: thus, heading towards the Heart is considered akin to go to North, while going away from it's to go to South. Moving clockwise around the Heart is East, and counterclockwise, West).

Though the Heart is impressive in its own way, it's the huge Tower at its peak which captures all the interest from the scholars of the maze. Several hundreds feet high, apparently built of the same material of the maze walls but, unlike them, the Tower seems to show bumps and grooves at regular intervals, though it's impossible to discern its role at such a distance (when Jugveir Ydris, the inventor of a rudimentary telescope, tried to publish his conclusions about the topic, he was quickly apprehended by the Brotherhood, burned at the stake for heresy, and his creation destroyed).

Still, the Tower has been the subject of countless debates, especially about its possible purpose (the home of the Gods, a monument to the builders of the Labyrinth, a watchtower upon humans?), as well as subject of many tales, legends and prophecies. The most widespread of the latter ones (despite the ever-present persecution of the Brotherhood) says the purpose of the Tower is to safeguard the Compass, an ancient device that houses inside the full map of the maze and always points the right direction to take in each bifurcation. The prophecy also tells that someday the Brotherhood shall fall, overthrown by a group of renegade Guides who, overcoming all the dangers of the maze, will reach the Heart and arrive to the top room of the Tower. The Guides, with the Compass in their possession, will rally the oppressed inhabitants of the Labyrinth, freeing them from their masters and leading Mankind to the outside, at last...
Post edited December 19, 2013 by Thespian*
This is a world I actually write about it.

1) The general setting.

In a world like our own, where instead of Technology, Magic was advanced, and guns have become obsolete, the Archus live a peaceful life. The world is composed of equality, balance, from the volcanos of the far east, to the deserts the dot the south. Even the great Icy North has its share of land. There is very few unexplored places upon this world, at least that the Archus have not seen.

2) At least 1 city/settlement in your world.

The Archus: A Winged Humanoid race who have gifts in Elemental Magic(Earth, Fire, Water and Wind), even able to call upon the elemental spirits within them. Usually standing Six foot to seven and a half feet fully grown, with black hair, and eyes the color of their primary element: Fire(Red), Water(Blue), Earth(Green), Wind(Yellow). They are natural Hunters, Warriors, and Farmers. They have no strife, no war anymore, not since the fall of the Gehenna-Born Daemons

3) At least one creature.

Elemental Spirits: A Varied race of creatures, from the Wind Wolves of the Northern Mountains, to the Stone Dragons of the deep desert. These spirits are needed to bond to an Archus for them to unleash their elemental magic. Most of the low class Spirits take the form of normal Earth Animals: Foxes, Wolves, Bears, but there are a rare, deep in the various terrains, whether caves or deserts, who are stronger, despite holding this form.

4) At least 1 major natural landmark.

The Icy North: This is a stretch of land covered by ice, and blizzards. Few have ever ventured beyond the Great Wall of the North and into this icy plain, and returned to tell the tale. The Icy North is a five hundred foot long tundra, always covered in a blizzard, with an eye in the center where the Lost Sword of the Archus king now rests, waiting for its one true heir to claim it.

I'd like the Morrowind GOTY, Oblivion GOTY + Skyrim please. +1 for the awesome idea.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by Landeril
Wow, I have a lot of reading to do. I'll give another 2 days for new entries
Countdown BUMP!
Earth-like planet. Tall buildings made of glass and metal cover the whole land mass. Only a few animals on the brink of extinction remains, dogs and cats, but no one cares about them. The people are inside their own worlds. This humanoids, creatures of hairless pale skins, white eyes and blank faces, descendents of a long forgotten race, are in constant communication with each other. But silence, silence is all you can hear. The wind is dead, not even a faint breeze can be felt. The water is still. No waves, no stream, no movement. Some elders remember something called "a mountain", but the land has been leveled down to make room for more buildings. The humanoids continue their existence, ignoring their past, unaware of their future.

But there is one, one humanoid that wasn't quite like the others. He went to the top of the highest building. He looked around, and couldn't find what he was hoping. He looked around again, and saw a glimpse of his past and future. He looked around a third time and the faintest smile appeared on his face.

He remembered. He was disconnected from the dead hive. He shouted. And the echo was heard, in every corner of the world and the humanoids listened... The link was broken.


I don't know if this counts or not, but I'm in for either "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri" or "Myst 2: RIven"
Thanks! +1
btw, I love this kind of Giveaways!
Nice giveaway nightrunner!

You should enjoy your reading, they are very good:)
Moonbeam: Nice giveaway nightrunner!

You should enjoy your reading, they are very good:)
There's four or five entries I think are probably going to come out on top, which scares the hell out of me.
QC: There's four or five entries I think are probably going to come out on top, which scares the hell out of me.
Why? Yours is one of my favorites, if I may say so. ;)
QC: There's four or five entries I think are probably going to come out on top, which scares the hell out of me.
Thespian*: Why? Yours is one of my favorites, if I may say so. ;)
It's not often in a creative contest like with Ghorpm contests that you see this much heavy and substantial competition.
QC: It's not often in a creative contest like with Ghorpm contests that you see this much heavy and substantial competition.
I guess so many good entries since the contest began have created sort of a synergy. ;)
Post edited December 17, 2013 by Thespian*
QC: It's not often in a creative contest like with Ghorpm contests that you see this much heavy and substantial competition.
Thespian*: I guess so many good entries since the contest began have created sort of a synergy. ;)
That probably means I should have waited to throw mine in as to present less competition to overthrow. Either way the results are going to be interesting, it's going to fall heavily on preferences.
Thespian*: I guess so many good entries since the contest began have created sort of a synergy. ;)
QC: That probably means I should have waited to throw mine in as to present less competition to overthrow. Either way the results are going to be interesting, it's going to fall heavily on preferences.
I posted kind of quickly myself and maybe I should have put more thought into my story.