Posted December 13, 2013
Let me tell you about a world called Solario, a world so many eons away that you might not have even heard of it or even thought about it. But it is there, sitting alone in the otherwise dead galaxy.
It is a big world, slightly bigger than Earth in size. It is a world of magic and technology, where two seperate races of humans live together; one who is proficient in magic, and the other that is not. The magic folks calls themselves the "Elder Kind" because they believe that the humans are a sub-species, a corruption of their race. At least they used to.
As the time wore on, this sub-species excelled in technology. Not as much as us though for they had less incentive as most of the stuff they were confused about could be explained with the simple world -- magic.
Now, they were not the only intelligent species living on this planet. Far from it. Elves, Dwarfes and Merpeople are among the other majority of the species inhabiting this planet. But they were all a corruption of the "Elder Kind" or so the "Elder Kind" claims.
So you might ask, why did the humans race excelled. And the answer is, because of their magic. See, a parallel world exists with theirs, a world said to be filled with pure zee -- or life-force -- which allowed them to do magic.
Legends tell that normal humans -- that is us -- somehow found their way to this planet. At those times, their was no parallel world. Many great animals and beast roamed the surface and their life-force freely flowed out in the open. This sudden influx of power had given the humans special power, with which they could do different sort of magic. Having never seen something like that and curious of the new kind visiting their land, the great beasts allowed the humans to live alongside them.
After eons of living in prosperity, the Great War of Echleon occured. The actual details about the war are beyond the scope of this small letter so excuse me, but I'll just jump to the conclusion. In the end, a truce was reached where it was agreed that the great beasts will be given a new parallel world for their continued existence as the present world had become too corrupted for their use.
But some great beasts were very fond of humans and so they formed another truce with some of the humans. The Truce of Spiritual Bonding. Because of this truce whenever a human is born, his soul is linked to the core of a great beast which allows that human child to use magic.
The present state of the world is fairly peaceful -- at least as peaceful as it can be between countires sharing different ideologies. A major war haven't occured in decades and chances of one occuring are next to none as all the dominant species living in the world are fairly powerful in their own domains.
The town of Mount Highi is located on the levelled top of Mount Highi. Folklores tell that a great battle occured between two great beats in the old times, and as a result, half the mount was turned ito dust, living a very large plain atop a mountain.
And still the Mount Highi rises to a stunning height of 4,450 m. The temperature in the town of Mount Highi is usually cold and it snows six month a year. So the most common clothing of the town is warm clothes the town comes under the Juridicstion of "Elder Kinds" as a lot of gifted individuals live there. A few Techliks (the non-magic humans) lives amongst them too but no Dwarfs or Elves live their as they prefer warmer weather.
As the people of Solario worship no religion, there aren't any temples or cathedral on Mount Highi, and for the matter of fact, there are no major religion in Solario.
People live in brick and mortar houses, and the major attraction of the region are it's huge snow fields where the peole of nearby towns come to play in the middle of winter and the scenic view it offers of the capitol of Zion, the country of the Elder Kinds.
The roads are made of cobblestones and there are no vehicle for transporation, as people usually use magical ways to travel from one point to another.
From a tourist point of view, the town of Mount Highi is a really boring place because in it's one thousand year history, nothing remarkable has happened or made. While the community isn't hostile to neewcomers, not many people have migrated and since the people don't really have a thing to bond over, most of them just engross in their own lives for the most part.
Though the Yearly winter Games hosted by the Town council bring the towns peole together.
There is a School of Primary Studies located in the heart of the city. It is one of the largest buildings in the town and it provides schooling for Techniks and Gifted kind, thought it is often accused of favouring the gifted kind. Their course is mostly low-class magic which most of the time, even a Technik can do as even they can absorb the Zee in the atiomsphere to some extent.
The Draog: They are an alchemical experiment gone wrong, and one of the most often cited reasons why the magical folks and the non-magical folks shouldn't try to infuse their culture with each other.
Draogs (plural: Draoges) were supposed to be a loveable household pet. Everything about them was supposed to be cute and loveable, from their soft wings to their thick furs. To achieve that purpose, one acclaimed magician and one famous scientist got together and tried to cross the flurrio species of Dogs and a subspecies of small Dragons called Dimiscus.
They are both known to be extremely submissive to humans and vegetarian so they were the perfect match to produce the pet of their Dreams.
But somewhere along the whole experiment, something terrible happened. The Flurrio amd Dimiscus when mated with the force of magic and science, created something that none of them had expected for a dark hape had merged from the dead mother's womb.
It was a grey dragon, with a dog like face. And that's where the similarities ended.
It had no fur on it's body and his eyes were red as ruby. They had an hard exoskeleton and a small horn like protursion between his eyes. But above all, he was extremely hostile towards everyone except his own species -- he even killed his
father after one day. He grew in strength exponentially and after about a month, this new Hybrid Dragon broke his cage and flew away with his two other siblings. Yes, the scientiest had repeated the experiments to find out the steps they had done wrong. what they didn't know was, everything they did was wrong.
While Draoges didn't release fire from their mouths, they released something far more terrible. Their breathes had such fowl smell that it could literally kill plants if the dragon breathed directly on it.
Because of this and the usual peaceful nature of the Kingdom of Solario, the existence of Draoges raised wide-spread panic all around and it's creator were sentenced to prison.
As far as the documentation goes, every Draog had been disposed of, but some people still claim to see one from time to time.
The Illuminated Forest of Netheria.
Located on the outskirts of the country of Zion, the forest of Netheria had been a topic of heated debates for decades. The forest lights up every night and it's shine is the brightest on the night of no-moon and it's dimmest on the full-moon. It is said to be the guiding beacon for the followers of Dark Magic.
It is said that the shine of the forest can be seen as far as the Temple of the Guardians.
Thief 2+3
NWN Diamond+Planescape Torment
It is a big world, slightly bigger than Earth in size. It is a world of magic and technology, where two seperate races of humans live together; one who is proficient in magic, and the other that is not. The magic folks calls themselves the "Elder Kind" because they believe that the humans are a sub-species, a corruption of their race. At least they used to.
As the time wore on, this sub-species excelled in technology. Not as much as us though for they had less incentive as most of the stuff they were confused about could be explained with the simple world -- magic.
Now, they were not the only intelligent species living on this planet. Far from it. Elves, Dwarfes and Merpeople are among the other majority of the species inhabiting this planet. But they were all a corruption of the "Elder Kind" or so the "Elder Kind" claims.
So you might ask, why did the humans race excelled. And the answer is, because of their magic. See, a parallel world exists with theirs, a world said to be filled with pure zee -- or life-force -- which allowed them to do magic.
Legends tell that normal humans -- that is us -- somehow found their way to this planet. At those times, their was no parallel world. Many great animals and beast roamed the surface and their life-force freely flowed out in the open. This sudden influx of power had given the humans special power, with which they could do different sort of magic. Having never seen something like that and curious of the new kind visiting their land, the great beasts allowed the humans to live alongside them.
After eons of living in prosperity, the Great War of Echleon occured. The actual details about the war are beyond the scope of this small letter so excuse me, but I'll just jump to the conclusion. In the end, a truce was reached where it was agreed that the great beasts will be given a new parallel world for their continued existence as the present world had become too corrupted for their use.
But some great beasts were very fond of humans and so they formed another truce with some of the humans. The Truce of Spiritual Bonding. Because of this truce whenever a human is born, his soul is linked to the core of a great beast which allows that human child to use magic.
The present state of the world is fairly peaceful -- at least as peaceful as it can be between countires sharing different ideologies. A major war haven't occured in decades and chances of one occuring are next to none as all the dominant species living in the world are fairly powerful in their own domains.
The town of Mount Highi is located on the levelled top of Mount Highi. Folklores tell that a great battle occured between two great beats in the old times, and as a result, half the mount was turned ito dust, living a very large plain atop a mountain.
And still the Mount Highi rises to a stunning height of 4,450 m. The temperature in the town of Mount Highi is usually cold and it snows six month a year. So the most common clothing of the town is warm clothes the town comes under the Juridicstion of "Elder Kinds" as a lot of gifted individuals live there. A few Techliks (the non-magic humans) lives amongst them too but no Dwarfs or Elves live their as they prefer warmer weather.
As the people of Solario worship no religion, there aren't any temples or cathedral on Mount Highi, and for the matter of fact, there are no major religion in Solario.
People live in brick and mortar houses, and the major attraction of the region are it's huge snow fields where the peole of nearby towns come to play in the middle of winter and the scenic view it offers of the capitol of Zion, the country of the Elder Kinds.
The roads are made of cobblestones and there are no vehicle for transporation, as people usually use magical ways to travel from one point to another.
From a tourist point of view, the town of Mount Highi is a really boring place because in it's one thousand year history, nothing remarkable has happened or made. While the community isn't hostile to neewcomers, not many people have migrated and since the people don't really have a thing to bond over, most of them just engross in their own lives for the most part.
Though the Yearly winter Games hosted by the Town council bring the towns peole together.
There is a School of Primary Studies located in the heart of the city. It is one of the largest buildings in the town and it provides schooling for Techniks and Gifted kind, thought it is often accused of favouring the gifted kind. Their course is mostly low-class magic which most of the time, even a Technik can do as even they can absorb the Zee in the atiomsphere to some extent.
The Draog: They are an alchemical experiment gone wrong, and one of the most often cited reasons why the magical folks and the non-magical folks shouldn't try to infuse their culture with each other.
Draogs (plural: Draoges) were supposed to be a loveable household pet. Everything about them was supposed to be cute and loveable, from their soft wings to their thick furs. To achieve that purpose, one acclaimed magician and one famous scientist got together and tried to cross the flurrio species of Dogs and a subspecies of small Dragons called Dimiscus.
They are both known to be extremely submissive to humans and vegetarian so they were the perfect match to produce the pet of their Dreams.
But somewhere along the whole experiment, something terrible happened. The Flurrio amd Dimiscus when mated with the force of magic and science, created something that none of them had expected for a dark hape had merged from the dead mother's womb.
It was a grey dragon, with a dog like face. And that's where the similarities ended.
It had no fur on it's body and his eyes were red as ruby. They had an hard exoskeleton and a small horn like protursion between his eyes. But above all, he was extremely hostile towards everyone except his own species -- he even killed his
father after one day. He grew in strength exponentially and after about a month, this new Hybrid Dragon broke his cage and flew away with his two other siblings. Yes, the scientiest had repeated the experiments to find out the steps they had done wrong. what they didn't know was, everything they did was wrong.
While Draoges didn't release fire from their mouths, they released something far more terrible. Their breathes had such fowl smell that it could literally kill plants if the dragon breathed directly on it.
Because of this and the usual peaceful nature of the Kingdom of Solario, the existence of Draoges raised wide-spread panic all around and it's creator were sentenced to prison.
As far as the documentation goes, every Draog had been disposed of, but some people still claim to see one from time to time.
The Illuminated Forest of Netheria.
Located on the outskirts of the country of Zion, the forest of Netheria had been a topic of heated debates for decades. The forest lights up every night and it's shine is the brightest on the night of no-moon and it's dimmest on the full-moon. It is said to be the guiding beacon for the followers of Dark Magic.
It is said that the shine of the forest can be seen as far as the Temple of the Guardians.
Thief 2+3
NWN Diamond+Planescape Torment