Scorpionscythe: So I am all ready for vacation. Got my beer and snacks. Got the kids playing upstairs. Time to download my newly released game..... WTF! Seriously, what the hell gog. I love you guys, but this is a clusterf**k of a bad idea. It really sucks because i was genuinely excited about this one. What idiot thought waiting for Galaxy was a good idea? I can buy on steam (and probably will) but I have always given my business to gog where possible first. It's really sad because some of the steps gog gas taken lately really makes me question their business model. The lack of proper communication from gog is worst of all though.
Seriously, this is me to a tee... I had the beer ready, the kids are at summer camp, several days off scheduled this week. The wife and I had planned to sink our evenings into D:OS this week but Larian/GOG pulled one of the most incompetent moves in all of gaming. I'm so, so, so, SO glad I missed the chance to back this.
I swear, the people who made this decision and/or let this happen pick their noses and happily eat what they excavate while dreaming of pies full of bacon and farts made of rainbows... it's the only logical explanation.