cw8: Hey guys, I've been reloading the Larian Vault periodically and it seems that they finally fixed the GOG option for the duo copy. I selected GOG and was able to redeem D:OS on GOG. The early access version still shows the steam key. Give it a shot.
Still not fixed for me, all my keys are locked to Steam with the message
If you have requested an Alpha key before on Steam, please bear with us as you will be able to change this to GOG very soon. If you do change this to GOG, the Steam key will stop working.
underneath them. Funny thing is, I never requested a Steam key before, all my choices were set to GOG from the beginning.
Sude: No, and it wasn't included in the installer either :(
That's really rich, seems to support that the GOG release for backers was an afterthought.
Coelocanth: Late replying to this, HSL, so sorry for that but:
yes, you're likely correct. However, I feel that the DRM-free crowd is growing more every day and eventually will be a force to be reckoned with. And I, for one, even though I love Larian's games, will decline to back any other project they may have
if it turns out that the reason for this screw up is what I'm thinking it is. I may only be one voice now, but down the road I'll be part of a choir. Maybe then they'll sit up and take notice.
Are we still talking about a possible exclusivity deal in spite the promises made during the Kickstarter or are you referring to something else?
Rincewind81: It was advertised as a big release back then and one of the reasons for regional pricing. And now? What release? Maybe in two month? But the game is ready for Backers here? And the only given reason is the support of an optional client?
This is just putting one and one together. It is about money...
And when we talk about money. The usual share between the developer and the store is 70:30. So GOG will take the same share. If they compensate every european buyer who pays 26% more than an american this will be a heavy impact. They did this for Age of Wonders because they need to react quickly, they do this with the Witcher because they get all the money and can afford it, but that is it. Regional pricing for now is pretty dead, so the delay instead. Most of the games are sold right at release and in the weeks after that. And Larian will get the most out of every buyer. And after that GOG can sell the game "fair priced" for less...
If this is the case, then GOG's making a fool out of themselves.
D:OS was one of the three games still touted in the "
Getting back to our roots" thread as coming under the regional pricing model as a day-1 release.
I can understand how compensating could prove unsustainable, but they should have stuck with it for the three announced titles and reassess the situation for any and all later releases. Though they supposedly
run their numbers back in March 2014 which showed that:
[...] we're actually pretty much coming in at "break even" point on any regionally-priced games.
If this is the case, then it's a pity that the statement of
Marcin Iwiński [...] we will be fighting hard to get all good DRM-free games up on and I want to have them day1.
proves to be just wishful thinking.