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I achieved my 01:56.01 on cheap, black piece of plastic... I mean - trash keyboard with "c" not always working properly.
Yea, I know - oldschool masochism. :P
Nox_A15: I achieved my 01:56.01 on cheap, black piece of plastic... I mean - trash keyboard with "c" not always working properly.
Yea, I know - oldschool masochism. :P

Another good reason that every controller is good, just have to learn how use it's best :-). In Grod multi which I play often I don't have problems to beat people witch wheel.
Post edited July 28, 2009 by igor8472
Namur: ...You can also try changing camera view. I can't really get a feel of the track unless i'm seeing the whole car, but others do best with the bumper cam or the dashboard cam...

Yes, i'm the complete opposite, can't seem to get a feel for it unless i'm using the in-car view.
Namur: ...You can also try changing camera view. I can't really get a feel of the track unless i'm seeing the whole car, but others do best with the bumper cam or the dashboard cam...
MaverickRazor: Yes, i'm the complete opposite, can't seem to get a feel for it unless i'm using the in-car view.

Me too but this time right-side wheel geting me confused so hood-cam only.
I'm using my Logitech Rumblepad 2 on my laptop at work... but I was getting better times last night with my thrustmaster racing wheel (which I got for cheaper than a 360 controller). Either way, I don't think I'll have my times low enough by tonight :(
I hope to see more rally contests though in the future.
MaverickRazor: Yes, i'm the complete opposite, can't seem to get a feel for it unless i'm using the in-car view.
igor8472: Me too but this time right-side wheel geting me confused so hood-cam only.

Yes, those crazy Brits and their right-hand drive, oh hang on a sec....
To be fair I find it a little weird because I don't drive in real life, so I am more used to left-hand drive as that's what you find in most games. I've clipped that telegraph pole on the first left a few times because I've misjudged the width of the car.
BoxOfSnoo: I think that's about my best time too. Maybe more. Average is still about 3:00 :( I've completely given up on this contest, and I may just shelve the game itself. It's really not fun with my skill level, and there's apparently no rewarding way to improve your skill level with this game.
I tried it with my wheel (Intec wireless PS2/PS3 wheel on Win7 yay!) and it didn't help. Works great with TOCA 3 though. I enjoy TOCA 3 though so I'll stick with that.
Namur: ...
If you have a pad, try that instead of the wheel.
You can also try changing camera view. I can't really get a feel of the track unless i'm seeing the whole car, but others do best with the bumper cam or the dashboard cam.

Yeah the best times I got were with a pad, and I usually drive bumper-cam on most games. I tried the wheel because I thought it might help. It didn't, really.
I'm sure I'll come back to it, someday, when I think I'm getting good on the other ones. I just don't see a lot of motivation to play when I have to be miserable for near an hour to get anywhere. If I play TOCA 3 or GT4 I can sense a lot more accomplishment right away.
1.55.16 and I've done. Enough colin for this week :P. Still it's propably not enough for third place but I just want sleep :-).
TheCheese33: I absolutely shamed myself trying this. I think I might be the worst driver ever. 2:46 with my car completely destroyed. Do you people race with wheels or what? Maybe I'd have a better chance winning if I bought a wheel...
I can't believe I just thought of buying an $80 wheel to win a $5 or $10 game!
MaverickRazor: I'm using an Xbox 360 controller, works fine and nowhere near as expensive.

Are you using Pinnacle? I checked their site, and no one has made a profile for the game yet...
MaverickRazor: I'm using an Xbox 360 controller, works fine and nowhere near as expensive.
TheCheese33: Are you using Pinnacle? I checked their site, and no one has made a profile for the game yet...

No, I configured the controller in game without any problems.
The UK Rally is over. Thank you everyone for participating. It was really exciting to watch how you improve your driving skills, beating previous records and struggling with some hard corners and THE bridge.
The rivalry between the best drivers lasted almost till the deadline, but there can be only one winner - congratulations to MaverickRazor who managed to beat the stage in 1:51.46! Below are the three winning times of the competition:
1. MaverickRazor 1:51.46
2. uing 1:51.62
3. Matrix7th 1:51.83
The prizes should be in your mailboxes very soon. Congratulations to the winners and thank you all for participating and providing all the emotions!
EDIT: Sorry Maverick, forgot to add "k" in your nick.
Post edited July 29, 2009 by Cook
Cook: The UK Rally is over. Thank you everyone for participating. It was really exciting to watch how you improve your driving skills, beating previous records and struggling with some hard corners and THE bridge.
The rivalry between the best drivers lasted almost till the deadline, but there can be only one winner - congratulations to MavericRazor who managed to beat the stage in 1:51.46! Below are the three winning times of the competition:
1. MavericRazor 1:51.46
2. uing 1:51.62
3. Matrix7th 1:51.83
The prizes should be in your mailboxes very soon. Congratulations to the winners and thank you all for participating and providing all the emotions!

Ouch, I don't have any chances :P. Congrats to winners. Awasome times.
Post edited July 29, 2009 by igor8472
Cook: The UK Rally is over. Thank you everyone for participating. It was really exciting to watch how you improve your driving skills, beating previous records and struggling with some hard corners and THE bridge.
The rivalry between the best drivers lasted almost till the deadline, but there can be only one winner - congratulations to MavericRazor who managed to beat the stage in 1:51.46! Below are the three winning times of the competition:
1. MavericRazor 1:51.46
2. uing 1:51.62
3. Matrix7th 1:51.83
The prizes should be in your mailboxes very soon. Congratulations to the winners and thank you all for participating and providing all the emotions!

Woot, I won.
Thanks for the great contest guys.
Congratulations winners!
What an amazing fast times you got.
Congratulations to the winners!