BoxOfSnoo: I think that's about my best time too. Maybe more. Average is still about 3:00 :( I've completely given up on this contest, and I may just shelve the game itself. It's really not fun with my skill level, and there's apparently no rewarding way to improve your skill level with this game.
I tried it with my wheel (Intec wireless PS2/PS3 wheel on Win7 yay!) and it didn't help. Works great with TOCA 3 though. I enjoy TOCA 3 though so I'll stick with that.
Namur: ...
If you have a pad, try that instead of the wheel.
You can also try changing camera view. I can't really get a feel of the track unless i'm seeing the whole car, but others do best with the bumper cam or the dashboard cam.
Yeah the best times I got were with a pad, and I usually drive bumper-cam on most games. I tried the wheel because I thought it might help. It didn't, really.
I'm sure I'll come back to it, someday, when I think I'm getting good on the other ones. I just don't see a lot of motivation to play when I have to be miserable for near an hour to get anywhere. If I play TOCA 3 or GT4 I can sense a lot more accomplishment right away.