nmillar: I just checked; nothing's come through so you shouldn't have been charged.
I know the site's not the greatest, but apparently the charity gets more money using doitforcharity.com, rather than justgiving.com - not convinced, but that's who Skyline (the company organising the skydives) recommended.
EDIT: Duh! It's because they own doitforcharity.com, as pointed out in my original post!
wpegg: Done - you now know how to fly.
Lol, great quote - I think I'll have to re-read the books at some point!
I seem to be repeating myself alot in this thread, but thankyou very much for your generosity!
Update: I have now received confirmation that I'll be doing my skydive on the afternoon of Sunday 17th October; it's all become a bit real now!
Thanks to the generosity of the GOG community, I have already exceeded my fundraising target, but if you still want to contribute you are more than welcome to:
All monies raised go directly to Help A London Child.
6 days to go!!