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Actiblizz are all about exercising complete control so as to maximise their profits. I'm only surprised they didn't pull this kind of stunt with MW2. They'd have made more money that way than they did with the crappy multiplayer they offered.
Just like BC2. I'll buy it, but at least I'll be prepared to deal with shit ping.
I'd just like to point out that dedicated servers have always been a rental kind of thing, sure some people have set up their own independent servers, but most pc multiplayer communities have always rented servers, why do you think some even ask for donations and give out donator benefits?
Also, the prices for these servers are actually pretty good compared to, say, CS1.6 which is about $30 a month for a 24 payer server.
Post edited September 13, 2010 by SirEnity
TheCheese33: Yes, but Bad Company 2 also didn't charge $15 dollars for only five maps worth of content.
It's not egotistical to think that people are paying the prices due to lack of willpower. Remember all the hate PC gamers gave Modern Warfare 2? All the groups, all the message boards, saying it would be a cold day in hell before they bought the game? Shortly after the game released, observant Steam users checked in on these groups, and surprise, surprise, almost all of them bought the game!
We need price control, and we need it now. If we wait, it'll only hurt us later.

We have "price control" in that games only sell for what customers accept. The fact is that multiplayer FPS players accept $15 for 5 maps, that is why it sold so well. You can call that a willpower problem if you want, but at the end of the day those people clicked the buy button because they wanted the content enough to pay $15 for it, end of story.
Gundato: Quite frankly, I don't want to play on someone's dedicated server that they run in their dorm room or basement. I want to play on a professionally hosted server.
Jotun: Yes I agree, but by disallowing custom servers completely they effectively kill off any kind of modding community, creativity or anything of the kind, which is shit. I bought mw2 recently just for a LAN, and I have to say, there is absolutely no dev support at all. The matchmaking system with only listen servers sucks ass, and there are hackers everywhere. But it won't do any good just complaining about it, just ignore them and give them as little as possible of your money (I felt shivers down my spine when I paid for mw2 and saw Kotick's ugly face eating my money) Instead, support awesome developers who care about their game and it's community and future, like unknown worlds who are developing natural selection 2, giving players alpha access (with dedicated servers) and the ability to comment and add your opinion on almost everything they do.

The question then becomes: will people miss the mods?
Are there any big Modern Warfare mods other than the various flavors of "pro mod"? I haven't played MW2 online, but I suspect the same is true there. So why go out of their way to support something most users never use?
TheCheese33: It's not egotistical to think that people are paying the prices due to lack of willpower. Remember all the hate PC gamers gave Modern Warfare 2? All the groups, all the message boards, saying it would be a cold day in hell before they bought the game? Shortly after the game released, observant Steam users checked in on these groups, and surprise, surprise, almost all of them bought the game!

Or they realized that the lack of dedicated servers wasn't as big of a deal as they thought. Or they realized they wanted to enjoy set piece nirvana. Or they just realized they were only really in the "hate group" because they were "sheeple" and the like. That goes both ways.
Again, just because people don't necessarily share the same opinion as you does not mean they "lack willpower" or are "sheeple". I am sorry that you feel lonely, but I am sure you can find plenty of other rebels who will join your pack.
The only bad thing about this "feature" itself is that it effectively kills off mods (which were already close to dead) and that it gives Activision power over when to shut off the multiplayer component (which they already had, by disabling the master server). Beyond that, it just isn't a big deal. Dick move? Yes. Big Deal? No.
Post edited September 13, 2010 by Gundato
StingingVelvet: Isn't this what Battlefield Bad Company 2 did? Some official dedicated servers and you can have your own through an official server provider? Yes, that is exactly what Bad Company 2 did... and hey guess what, people loved that game, even old-school PC FPS gamers.

Even Battlefield 2 did that to an extent. If you wanted to do ranked matches you'd have to buy your server from an approved server vendor. There was the option of running an unranked server, but meh.
Weren't the dedicated servers for bad company 2 leaked?
There's the obligatory useless petition about the issue
SirEnity: I'd just like to point out that dedicated servers have always been a rental kind of thing, sure some people have set up their own independent servers, but most pc multiplayer communities have always rented servers, why do you think some even ask for donations and give out donator benefits?
Also, the prices for these servers are actually pretty good compared to, say, CS1.6 which is about $30 a month for a 24 payer server.

This is exactly the point I was asking about. Dedicated servers (at least good ones) aren't of the 'Oh look, my computer's a server now!' variety. Good groups have always rented servers. So long as the prices being charged to those groups here are in line, this is absolutely nothing new.
Call of Duty? Never spent a cent on it, and I will probably do so for the rest of my life....
StingingVelvet: Even Battlefield 2 did that to an extent. If you wanted to do ranked matches you'd have to buy your server from an approved server vendor. There was the option of running an unranked server, but meh.
Kingoftherings: But that can't be too costly. I could rent a dedicated server (Athlon 64 X2 5600+, 4GB Ram, 400GB SATA hard disc) for about 50€ per month. If I would have enough players online, it will be less than one € per person. Or were there other hidden costs?
Of course this issue is completely different. They are basically cutting the MP possibilities, reducing the value of the game.
Link to one of the best server provider in germany:
Post edited September 14, 2010 by Trilarion
Aliasalpha: There's the obligatory useless petition about the issue

Every last one of those tools will be back in the toolbox the second the game's released.
Aliasalpha: There's the obligatory useless petition about the issue
Navagon: Every last one of those tools will be back in the toolbox the second the game's released.

"We demand you immediately kowtow to our wishes or we'll threaten to not buy your game! You have been warned!"
Aliasalpha: "We demand you immediately kowtow to our wishes or we'll threaten to not buy your game! You have been warned!"

I'm only saddened by the lack of Steam petition about this, as it's not so easy to laugh at them. I've still got the screenshot of all those MW2 boycott tools playing MW2 on the say of its release.
The question then becomes: will people miss the mods?

Let's make an experiment. Imagine the original half-life, but with extreme amounts of DRM, no modding possibility at all, and no patching or support for serious issues. How big would it have become do you think? It's not so much a practical question (do we really want mods? etc.) as it is a question of principle. Do the devs want to achieve something with their game, create a great community and make it special, or just make a bunch of cash for their asshole distributors? I think no cognitive abilities whatsoever are required to figure out which side IW are on. :)
edit: I do have to add, it's a shame, since the game itself (although relying a great deal on instant gratification, which is not that intellectually satisfying) is actually really fun.
Post edited September 14, 2010 by Jotun