Gundato: Quite frankly, I don't want to play on someone's dedicated server that they run in their dorm room or basement. I want to play on a professionally hosted server.
Jotun: Yes I agree, but by disallowing custom servers completely they effectively kill off any kind of modding community, creativity or anything of the kind, which is shit. I bought mw2 recently just for a LAN, and I have to say, there is absolutely no dev support at all. The matchmaking system with only listen servers sucks ass, and there are hackers everywhere. But it won't do any good just complaining about it, just ignore them and give them as little as possible of your money (I felt shivers down my spine when I paid for mw2 and saw Kotick's ugly face eating my money) Instead, support awesome developers who care about their game and it's community and future, like unknown worlds who are developing natural selection 2, giving players alpha access (with dedicated servers) and the ability to comment and add your opinion on almost everything they do.
The question then becomes: will people miss the mods?
Are there any big Modern Warfare mods other than the various flavors of "pro mod"? I haven't played MW2 online, but I suspect the same is true there. So why go out of their way to support something most users never use?
TheCheese33: It's not egotistical to think that people are paying the prices due to lack of willpower. Remember all the hate PC gamers gave Modern Warfare 2? All the groups, all the message boards, saying it would be a cold day in hell before they bought the game? Shortly after the game released, observant Steam users checked in on these groups, and surprise, surprise, almost all of them bought the game!
Or they realized that the lack of dedicated servers wasn't as big of a deal as they thought. Or they realized they wanted to enjoy set piece nirvana. Or they just realized they were only really in the "hate group" because they were "sheeple" and the like. That goes both ways.
Again, just because people don't necessarily share the same opinion as you does not mean they "lack willpower" or are "sheeple". I am sorry that you feel lonely, but I am sure you can find plenty of other rebels who will join your pack.
The only bad thing about this "feature" itself is that it effectively kills off mods (which were already close to dead) and that it gives Activision power over when to shut off the multiplayer component (which they already had, by disabling the master server). Beyond that, it just isn't a big deal. Dick move? Yes. Big Deal? No.