Leroux: It's all in their
press kit already:
13 brilliant DRM-free indie games (and extras) for the price of your choice; 8 as a pay-what-you-want offering (marked as PWYW below), 5 more if you beat the average price (marked as BTA below).
Leroux: PWYW:
- Unemployment Quest (+Desura)
- The Siege of the Necromancer (+Desura, +Steam)
- Hack, Slash, Loot (+Desura)
- Styrateg (+Desura)
- Inaria
- Dungeon Fray (+Desura)
- Empires and Dungeons 2
- Frayed Knights: The Skull of S'makh-Daon (+Desura)
- Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land
- The Wizard from Tarnath Tor (+Desura)
- Northmark: Hour of the Wolf
- The Wizard's Lair (+Desura)
- Telepath RPG: Servants of God
Even though it
does contain Hack, Slash, Loot as predicted, and also Northmark and Styrateg, recently featured on IndieGameStand, it looks like a quite interesting bundle; a satisfying mixture of well known repeats and never heard of underdogs, JRPG, rogue-likes, CYOA game book, tactical, Ultima- and Wizardry-style RPGs etc., all games with DRM-free installers and some games like Frayed Knights and Telepath RPG are regularly sold at a pretty high price. It might be the first time, too, that The Wasted Land is featured with a DRM-free installer. I'm definitely going to get it for Frayed Knights PWYW and The Wizard from Tarnath Tor BTA. :)
Trailers & screenshots in the press kit The PWYW tier seems great, I'll be grabbing that unless the BTA is really cheap. The Wasted Land has had a DRM-free installer from the 2nd Greenlight Bundle, and Shiny Loot.