DarrkPhoenix: See my original post. Console/PC is not an either/or proposition.
Unless there are budgetary concerns or inadequate staffing. Both are possibilities on a title dropped like a stone by Activision.
DarrkPhoenix: As for the piracy argument, I'll reiterate that irrational decisions are nothing new in the gaming industry.
I'm not claiming they are. But they're not about to go away either.
Delixe: Activision do not like money, they spurn the PC with console exclusives all the time for example Guitar Hero. Activision are arrogant to the extreme and believe they will make money no matter what they do.
That's not the same thing. Arrogantly believing that you're financially impervious does not equate to disliking money.
Delixe: EA had an extremely poor last Christmas with Spore, NFS: Undercover, Dead Space and Mirrors Edge all failing to reach expectations. They lost money and that is something they understand so to start they hired the guys behind the GT PC games to make NFS: Shift. Activision will not change until they pay a lot of money on a licence and then the game bombs extremely badly.
So your argument is that: the only thing that separates them is that EA have already suffered financially and adjusted their strategy accordingly? I'm not saying you're wrong. But it doesn't really support your point.