Posted April 14, 2014

Snorts and Barks
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted April 14, 2014

He wouldn't have to write future scripts for movies, he has already done that, he would also be too busy suing the movie companies and publishers for royalties to create anything else :P

Mortes best mate
Registered: May 2011
From Ireland
Posted April 14, 2014

He wouldn't have to write future scripts for movies, he has already done that, he would also be too busy suing the movie companies and publishers for royalties to create anything else :P

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted April 14, 2014
OR find out the Twilight series of books is more popular than his works today, then go back to being dead.
Post edited April 14, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Purple Dot Cultist
Registered: Oct 2008
From France

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted April 14, 2014

Since the first human beings on this Earth, people have been bothered by people sharing beliefs(or having beliefs) they believed to be wrong and had no problem sharing their beliefs because they believed their beliefs were right. A lot of people, unfortunately, were more than bothered by people sharing beliefs, they believed were wrong...
It seems, you got a little butt hurt and tried to attack me, the only way you could. Why? Because I believe books are inferior compared to movies, TV shows and video games? So if you think I'm wrong, then that is a good reason to not like me. But why take it to the next level as if I insulted your family? Why be more than bothered? Why get angry over something like this? Is everyone in your family, an author of books? Are you a librarian? Do you also attack people for thinking the music you listen to is shit? Why not tell me I'm wrong without accusing me of being a hypocrite and a dumb ass?
I neither like nor dislike you. I’m neither bothered by your beliefs nor angry - to put it bluntly, I don’t care either way about your beliefs. And I certainly didn’t attack you or accuse you of anything - the only one that though of and called you names is yourself.
Since you managed to miss the point of my post, let’s try this one last time.
You believe that books are inferior to other media and that you have the right to express it and expect people to not be bothered if they disagree with you. That’s all fine by me. But isn’t it odd that you’re bothered when others express the opposite opinion? That’s what you said in your post and that’s what I commented on – nth more, nth less.
And FWIW, I'll say it again - when it comes to (entertainment) media, there is no right or wrong, because it's all very subjective; one having different tastes and preferences doesn't make another one's wrong.
Anyway, I have no interest into getting into an argument with you, especially since you seem to take every potential disagreement as a personal attack against you and an attempt to put you down. So, feel free to reply if you so must, but I don’t have anything else to say on the matter.
Have a nice life :-)

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted April 14, 2014

Since the first human beings on this Earth, people have been bothered by people sharing beliefs(or having beliefs) they believed to be wrong and had no problem sharing their beliefs because they believed their beliefs were right. A lot of people, unfortunately, were more than bothered by people sharing beliefs, they believed were wrong...
It seems, you got a little butt hurt and tried to attack me, the only way you could. Why? Because I believe books are inferior compared to movies, TV shows and video games? So if you think I'm wrong, then that is a good reason to not like me. But why take it to the next level as if I insulted your family? Why be more than bothered? Why get angry over something like this? Is everyone in your family, an author of books? Are you a librarian? Do you also attack people for thinking the music you listen to is shit? Why not tell me I'm wrong without accusing me of being a hypocrite and a dumb ass?

I neither like nor dislike you. I’m neither bothered by your beliefs nor angry - to put it bluntly, I don’t care either way about your beliefs. And I certainly didn’t attack you or accuse you of anything - the only one that though of and called you names is yourself.
Since you managed to miss the point of my post, let’s try this one last time.
You believe that books are inferior to other media and that you have the right to express it and expect people to not be bothered if they disagree with you. That’s all fine by me. But isn’t it odd that you’re bothered when others express the opposite opinion? That’s what you said in your post and that’s what I commented on – nth more, nth less.
And FWIW, I'll say it again - when it comes to (entertainment) media, there is no right or wrong, because it's all very subjective; one having different tastes and preferences doesn't make another one's wrong.
Anyway, I have no interest into getting into an argument with you, especially since you seem to take every potential disagreement as a personal attack against you and an attempt to put you down. So, feel free to reply if you so must, but I don’t have anything else to say on the matter.
Have a nice life :-)
Maybe you should of been more clear. This can easily be seen as accusing someone of being a hypocrite. I didn't miss anything. The first half of your post didn't really have a point. Who said I don't expect other people to be bothered by what I said? I don't expect people to get angry and unleash personal insults on me for what I said. There is a difference.
"But isn’t it odd that you’re bothered when others express the opposite opinion?"
Is this a joke? Yes, let me find a forum for people who are against abortion online and tell them all that I think, there is nothing wrong with abortion. Then when people there reveal to me, they are bothered by what I have said, I will say, "isn't it odd that your bothered when others express the opposite opinion?".
Post edited April 14, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Mortes best mate
Registered: May 2011
From Ireland
Posted April 15, 2014
Well, in all fairness, if Twilight is more popular, then that's more of an indictment of modern readers than Shakespeare's works :)

Always a noob
Registered: Oct 2008
From Clipperton Island
Posted April 15, 2014

In all fairness, the reasons Shakespeare's plays are read less than many other books are that: a) it's harder to read a play than a novel, a play was meant to be watched; b) The English is old and therefore hard to read.

Always a noob
Registered: Oct 2008
From Clipperton Island

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted April 15, 2014

In all fairness, the reasons Shakespeare's plays are read less than many other books are that: a) it's harder to read a play than a novel, a play was meant to be watched; b) The English is old and therefore hard to read.
Post edited April 15, 2014 by monkeydelarge

custard tart
Registered: Jun 2013
From Portugal
Posted April 15, 2014
My friend, you've made your point, we won't make you enjoy books or think they're a different medium of art and entertainment, and you most certainly won't convince us that books are inferior to movies and video games, so, please, stop being antagonistic for antagonism's sake alone and trying to start arguments with us just because we think differently. You don't like to read, you don't value imagination, you're a 'practical individualistic person' with a 'pragmatic sense about them' and you're pretty certain of your values and personal truths and beliefs, we get it, please, move on. I think you're wrong in a lot of things you said about imagination and the whole demand for movies and TV shows, but I'm not in the mood to perpetuate any discussion with you, because I honestly don't think you'll even try to make an effort to understand -- you want to know why people demand TV shows and movies instead of books? There, because most people are dumb and refuse to work their brains to understand art and make their own interpretations of it; it's easier to watch a movie and just mentally drool because you have no image decoding whatsoever, it just enters your brain in a very basic way. Video games are interactive and give you an illusion of choice, but they're still as basic as it gets, you get a semi-accurate visual and thematic depiction of the developers' intended world, so you don't have to work your brain creating the world through your own thought process.
This isn't a thread to discuss Literary Theory, and even if it was you'd just plainly disagree with everything we'd say because "clearly" books are inferior and there's high demand for TV shows and movies for some "higher reason". This was a thread to appreciate an ad some people made, trying to get people to read books to their kids and getting them to read things they enjoy, because reading is ultimately a good thing. You dislike books, that's your prerogative, you're entitled to that opinion, you have stated it here, good for you, we get it. We like books, you don't. We don't think they're in any way inferior to other mediums of art and entertainment, you do. It's all good. But you don't need to force your shortsighted opinion on everyone just because you're entitled to it.
This isn't a thread to discuss Literary Theory, and even if it was you'd just plainly disagree with everything we'd say because "clearly" books are inferior and there's high demand for TV shows and movies for some "higher reason". This was a thread to appreciate an ad some people made, trying to get people to read books to their kids and getting them to read things they enjoy, because reading is ultimately a good thing. You dislike books, that's your prerogative, you're entitled to that opinion, you have stated it here, good for you, we get it. We like books, you don't. We don't think they're in any way inferior to other mediums of art and entertainment, you do. It's all good. But you don't need to force your shortsighted opinion on everyone just because you're entitled to it.
Post edited April 15, 2014 by groze

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted April 15, 2014

This isn't a thread to discuss Literary Theory, and even if it was you'd just plainly disagree with everything we'd say because "clearly" books are inferior and there's high demand for TV shows and movies for some "higher reason". This was a thread to appreciate an ad some people made, trying to get people to read books to their kids and getting them to read things they enjoy, because reading is ultimately a good thing. You dislike books, that's your prerogative, you're entitled to that opinion, you have stated it here, good for you, we get it. We like books, you don't. We don't think they're in any way inferior to other mediums of art and entertainment, you do. It's all good. But you don't need to force your shortsighted opinion on everyone just because you're entitled to it.
Post edited April 16, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted April 15, 2014
I miss Reading Rainbow tv show. Heck, I miss the old PBS network.