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carlosjuero: Little things in the long run, yes. I have stated that I agree it is a bad idea that they have done it this way, but folks are getting so riled up that they are flinging hate all over the place - including on people who have no call to have it heaped on them. It isn't like BioWare stated right out that the folks who cannot participate are not part of the community, its just the wording of the non-event hit harder when the regional restrictions were announced.
I would much rather have the games than the huge flap that is going on right now, it would have been better for BioWare to not announce anything/do anything (except maybe a discount sale for their anniversary - that everyone could be part of).

Pretty much. God forbid people don't get their toy. How DARE Bioware make us play awesome games for well over ten years!
And again, it isn't even like this favors the long-term fans. You only get free points for ME2 and DA:O(:A).
Ah well, this will learn Bioware a lesson. Don't make awesome games unless you are willing to ship an Alienware computer to Abu Dhabi :p
And god forbid they want to not spend insane amounts for shipping, import taxes, and all the other fun junk that happens when you ship internationally (a large reason that many online retailers won't ship outside of their country of origin). They should have realized that if they wanted to do some free giveaways, they should make damned sure that they are willing to sink as much money as possible.
And here is the thing: Even if it was the entire planet PLUS Alpha Centauri PLUS the International Space Station who were eligible, people would still scream. Why? Because "there aren't enough prizes". How DARE Bioware not make sure that they have enough hats for me to get one. How DARE Bioware give people who use Twitter and Facebook an advantage. I am a long-term fan, they should drive over to my house, pleasure me orally, and then give me a free computer. I mean, that is why I bought Jade Empire on Steam a few months back :p
carlosjuero: Little things in the long run, yes. I have stated that I agree it is a bad idea that they have done it this way, but folks are getting so riled up that they are flinging hate all over the place - including on people who have no call to have it heaped on them. It isn't like BioWare stated right out that the folks who cannot participate are not part of the community, its just the wording of the non-event hit harder when the regional restrictions were announced.
I would much rather have the games than the huge flap that is going on right now, it would have been better for BioWare to not announce anything/do anything (except maybe a discount sale for their anniversary - that everyone could be part of).

Well, then we will just have to agree to disagree on the meaning of 'little things' in a community context. I felt i was a part of it, now i do not, it's that simple.
As for the haters, i can't do anything about them, but i'm not going to be less vocal about something that i see as unfair on account of them or anybody else.
carlosjuero: Little things in the long run, yes. I have stated that I agree it is a bad idea that they have done it this way, but folks are getting so riled up that they are flinging hate all over the place - including on people who have no call to have it heaped on them. It isn't like BioWare stated right out that the folks who cannot participate are not part of the community, its just the wording of the non-event hit harder when the regional restrictions were announced.
I would much rather have the games than the huge flap that is going on right now, it would have been better for BioWare to not announce anything/do anything (except maybe a discount sale for their anniversary - that everyone could be part of).
Namur: Well, then we will just have to agree to disagree on the meaning of 'little things' in a community context. I felt i was a part of it, now i do not, it's that simple.
As for the haters, i can't do anything about them, but i'm not going to be less vocal about something that i see as unfair on account of them or anybody else.

Not trying to dissuade you from being upset or vocal, I am guessing you would fall into the category of folks who are on the 'sane' side of being disappointed.
(Also, it says a lot about this community when you can have a discussion like this that is so... well mannered)
Hah, just loaded my post on their forum to see how many more answers there were and the guy that posted after me has an interesting new sig "I used t be a member of the community, now I'm just canadian". The next one has the same thing but ending in european. Haha a few down theres an america who has "I AM part of the community but hell, I'm outraged anyway"
As a realist I know there's plenty of reasons why they've excluded other countries and a few states in yankland but thats not why I'm pissed off with them. I'm pissed because this was a huge countdown to their 15th anniversary and touting an epic community event, that doesn't sound exclusionary to me but the lack of any comparable event for other territories where EA do business and even hiding the exclusion in the terms and conditions all culminate in one assessment, its a dick move.
Fuck, for non americans they could even have arranged a quick competition to win one of say 10000 copies of shattered steel from GOG!
Post edited March 29, 2010 by Aliasalpha
carlosjuero: Not trying to dissuade you from being upset or vocal, I am guessing you would fall into the category of folks who are on the 'sane' side of being disappointed.
(Also, it says a lot about this community when you can have a discussion like this that is so... well mannered)

I know, the 'anybody else' on my other post wasn't meant like that, i meant it in a general way.
And yes, disappointed it's probably the best word to describe it. Mainly i feel disappointed.
The bioware annoucement thread is up to 23 pages now, almost exclusively complaints. Hope everyone else here is adding fuel to the fire
Gundato: Pretty much. God forbid people don't get their toy. How DARE Bioware make us play awesome games for well over ten years!

Once again you jump to the defence of a party you have little understanding of. I assume you simply like arguing?
Aliasalpha: The bioware annoucement thread is up to 23 pages now, almost exclusively complaints. Hope everyone else here is adding fuel to the fire

And the announcement thread in the Mass Effect 2 forum is up to 110 pages now.
Take it they won't be pulling this shit again. I'm more amused at this than Infinity Ward defending the MW2 DLC. What a shitty year this is so far.
What Bioware could have done for their 15th birthday was have some downloadable content for both games with party stuff maybe a quest to get t bioware party. That would have been good as be for everyone but no instead they have this rubbish that excludes most of the world.
I think within a day or so the anger will simmer down people will get on with their lives but for Bioware they will have to do a hell of a lot to rebuild their shattered community as a lot of people wont buy their stuff again.
As annoyed as i am aout the situation i will still buy their games they are still number 1 in creating rpg's but whatever they splash on their website i will take with a pinch of salt.
lerker: That probably has do with the contest not being allowed because of specific laws in those states.
Gundato: And not being allowed in the rest of the world because of shipping and the like.
But nah, it must be because Bioware are evil and hate everyone in the world. Yeah, that's it.

And yet, they still decided to show this countdown worldwide. Do you really think they completely undeserving of criticism here? Really, how hard would it have been to at least have considered international customers, etc., and provided something for them in the form of DLC or similar? So, yeah, there *may* be laws and regulations that they don't want work around, etc., in order to bring this "contest" to everyone, but that still doesn't excuse them for not bothering to offer an alternate to the rest of their customers. Are they evil? No. They're just fucking stupid.
Good stuff.
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chautemoc: Good stuff.

Indeed ;)
csi.jpg (190 Kb)
yo.jpg (124 Kb)
bansama: And yet, they still decided to show this countdown worldwide. Do you really think they completely undeserving of criticism here? Really, how hard would it have been to at least have considered international customers, etc., and provided something for them in the form of DLC or similar? So, yeah, there *may* be laws and regulations that they don't want work around, etc., in order to bring this "contest" to everyone, but that still doesn't excuse them for not bothering to offer an alternate to the rest of their customers. Are they evil? No. They're just fucking stupid.

The problem with providing international customers with DLC would either be that they do another auction system (which may actually be one of the reason why this can only be done in the US in the first place...) , or they give everyone the DLC. As it stands, there are 241 some-odd prizes. If everyone outside the US got a prize, but the US still had to do the auction, would it be fair?
And again, I don't think Bioware/EA are undeserving of criticism. But I do feel that the only thing they are guilty of is expecting too much understanding of their community. I do NOT feel that they are actively discriminating against people or feel that any community member is worth any less than others. Their PR guy is just a moron who didn't realize that regional restrictions are a hot-button issue and that this could have triggered the animosity/angry internet men.
And on an unrelated note: Apologies guys. I wasn't aware that I had to randomly whine about the injustices of the world to be taken seriously. I have a hangnail, should I make a thread about that?
Ooh! Ooh! I am annoyed that I can't bring my gel insoles with me on a plane. Should I make a thread about how the government is discriminating against flat-footed people? :p
The reason it might seem like I "argue for argument's sake" is that I am a firm believer in trying to see the other side. Plus, I generally don't see the point of simply saying "I agree". It is a waste of space and contributes absolutely nothing to a conversation.
Gundato: Really? You honestly think calling it "US Giveaway" would have made people less angry?

there have always been contets in wich only some parts of the world could participate, nobody's angry about that
Gundato: And what would be the point of a mystery countdown if it said what it was counting down to?

that whole countdown was just pointless, everyone got all hyped up until they discovered they can't participate.
also making a countdown for something as trivial as this and calling it epic is bound to piss off a lot of people (even those that can participate). i mean every gaming magazine has some prices like this that you can win (but never do).