Posted March 29, 2010
I would much rather have the games than the huge flap that is going on right now, it would have been better for BioWare to not announce anything/do anything (except maybe a discount sale for their anniversary - that everyone could be part of).
Pretty much. God forbid people don't get their toy. How DARE Bioware make us play awesome games for well over ten years!
And again, it isn't even like this favors the long-term fans. You only get free points for ME2 and DA:O(:A).
Ah well, this will learn Bioware a lesson. Don't make awesome games unless you are willing to ship an Alienware computer to Abu Dhabi :p
And god forbid they want to not spend insane amounts for shipping, import taxes, and all the other fun junk that happens when you ship internationally (a large reason that many online retailers won't ship outside of their country of origin). They should have realized that if they wanted to do some free giveaways, they should make damned sure that they are willing to sink as much money as possible.
And here is the thing: Even if it was the entire planet PLUS Alpha Centauri PLUS the International Space Station who were eligible, people would still scream. Why? Because "there aren't enough prizes". How DARE Bioware not make sure that they have enough hats for me to get one. How DARE Bioware give people who use Twitter and Facebook an advantage. I am a long-term fan, they should drive over to my house, pleasure me orally, and then give me a free computer. I mean, that is why I bought Jade Empire on Steam a few months back :p