jamotide: Right, just keep telling yourself that and maybe the next level scaled game wont be a total cheesefest.
I'm an optimist. I now level scaling works, since it has worked for almost 40 years. And I do hope that there will be another developer that makes it work as it should work
jamotide: And I didnt go from anything to nothing, I was simply mistaken in praising JA2s System too much.
Yes, you are right. You used a game you didn't understand how it works as a shining example, and when you understood that it did have scaling system, you changed your statement to "it's a shitty system". Your post said that you've only played it with 1.13 and Deidrianna Lives, thus you haven't played it vanilla. Does that mean that you had no idea how vanilla worked, or that you played vanilla, understood the scaling system, and decided to change it? I'd say the first, since if it was the second, you would remember how the system worked.
jamotide: I explained that to you there, but apparently reading comprehension is some sort of problem or you are really desperate to discredit me.
Ah, personal attacks. Always fun.
I don't have a problem apologizing if I'm mistaken, and I have done so in the past. But as I said before, level scaling seems to be a red flag for you, and any game that uses it automatically moves to "It's a shitty game".
You do realize that I'm not advocating lazy level scaling, but proper level scaling, right? And you do know how proper level scaling works.
But you'd rather condemn the entire concept because of the failed uses of it so far. Anyway, you'll just say again that I can't read, or that I can't understand what you mean, that level scaling is evil, that there are no games with good level scaling systems and so on. But then again, that is your opinion, and mine is a different one. Feel free to try and prove that your opinion is universal truth and mine is faulty.