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Mike Nelson
and best episode:gotta go with Mitchell
Post edited November 23, 2011 by l0rdtr3k
Mystery Science Theater on wikipedia.
Mike for sure! i dont like the other guys sleepy/bored personality
I've personally only seen the movie, which I liked. How does the series compare to it?
You see, I enjoy both, but they have very different relationships with the bots. I myself prefer Joel's fatherly take, but Mike's sorta sane friend approach also works very well. I think it's rather a matter of style.

Of course, as I said, I love both of them.
Mike most definitely
Joel and his dry delivery. Mike finds himself too funny.
TVs_Frank: Joel and his dry delivery. Mike finds himself too funny.
Oh, I should have known you'd show up. You still a Soultaker? ;p
I like both Mike and Joel, but I think Mike wins out slightly. And the best episode is most certainly 'Prince of Space'

Oh yeah...and the best villain is Pearl, by far.
tomimt: I've personally only seen the movie, which I liked. How does the series compare to it?
One of the single greatest TV comedy series that has ever been released. Netflix it now.
Post edited November 23, 2011 by jefequeso
Easily Mike. He is far funnier imo. Plus I enjoy the robots more during Mike's reign. I still watch episodes all the time on netflix streaming.
tomimt: I've personally only seen the movie, which I liked. How does the series compare to it?
The movie is essentially just another episode of the show, except shorter. (Yes, for some reason, the film version is about 20 minutes shorter than any given episode of the show itself. I don't get it either.) But yeah, if you liked the movie, you owe it to yourself to see the rest of the series, a fair chunk of which has been released on DVD in four-episode sets. Best TV comedy in history, under either host.

As for the original question, I really hope this doesn't degenerate into the Joel/Mike wars that have raged elsewhere on the Internet, because both hosts deserve love. I kind of prefer Mike, just because I preferred his more critical skewering of the movies over Joel's laid-back goofiness. But anyone who hates either host is wrong. Period.

Edit: Also, both hosts' current riffing businesses are worth checking out: Rifftrax for Mike (plus Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett) and Cinematic Titanic for Joel (plus a whole bunch of other MSTie types).
Post edited November 23, 2011 by PaakType
the bot's were the better hosts ;)
wodmarach: the bot's were the better hosts ;)
tomimt: I've personally only seen the movie, which I liked. How does the series compare to it?
Pretty much the same. :)

Also, check out Rifftrax. Same concept, same people spitting lines, but no robots or skits, and you get audio files to play over top of movies you've probably actually heard of. Their spoofs of the Star Wars series and 300 are incredibly funny.