tomimt: I've personally only seen the movie, which I liked. How does the series compare to it?
The movie is essentially just another episode of the show, except shorter. (Yes, for some reason, the film version is about 20 minutes shorter than any given episode of the show itself. I don't get it either.) But yeah, if you liked the movie, you owe it to yourself to see the rest of the series, a fair chunk of which has been released on DVD in four-episode sets. Best TV comedy in history, under either host.
As for the original question, I really hope this doesn't degenerate into the Joel/Mike wars that have raged elsewhere on the Internet, because both hosts deserve love. I kind of prefer Mike, just because I preferred his more critical skewering of the movies over Joel's laid-back goofiness. But anyone who hates either host is wrong. Period.
Edit: Also, both hosts' current riffing businesses are worth checking out: Rifftrax for Mike (plus Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett) and Cinematic Titanic for Joel (plus a whole bunch of other MSTie types).